Your Here For Me

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Finn was rushed to hospital and Bayley and Luke found him after collapsing from alcohol poisoning . Bayley followed him to the hospital and stayed with him waiting for him to wake up. A few hours after being admitted to hospital Sasha turned up to see Finn however she wasn't expecting to see Bayley say by his bedside.

Sasha- What are you doing here??

Bayley- I could ask you the same thing. Me and Luke found Finn unconscious when I went to see him.

Sasha- Well he was fine when I left him if i knew he was gonna collapse i wouldn't of stormed off.

Bayley- Wait What were you doing in his room??

Sasha-I saw him come back into the hotel drunk almost unable to walk and i helped in to his hotel room. That all 

Bayley- That all, come off it Sasha you helped him back just so you could snake you way into his bed and his pants and when he wouldn't play ball you got angry and stormed off leaving him to then collapse and nearly die. That what really happened wasn't it?

Sasha-Ok fine that did happen but-

Bayley- But nothing he would be dead now if i hadn't found him. Your so Selfish that you left Finn to Die all because he wouldn't shag you again. 

All a sudden they heard coughing they both looked of to Finn to see him starting to stir, they both ran to his bedside as he began to open his eyes.

Bayley- Finn 

Sasha- Finn 

Finn- Aw what happened 

Bayley- you collapsed due to the alcohol you consumed 

Sasha-Do you remember anything??

Finn look over at Sasha before pulling his had away from her 

Finn- Get the hell out of here, what are you doing here?

Sasha- I came to see if your ok?

Finn- Well i'm fine now leave 

Sasha- Finn you don't mean that 

Finn- I do now GET OUT

Bayley and Finn watched as Sasha left the room, leaving the two alone in the room.

Bayley- So um What were you thinking drinking like that you could of killed yourself 

Finn- Sorry I thought I was invincible and it was wrong especially drowning my sorrows 

Bayley- Why were you anyway??

Finn- Because I saw you and Seth kissing and I now know there no chance of ever getting you back. Cause your with him now

Bayley- Finn I'm not with him, in fact i pushed him away from the kiss. It didn't feel right and I was coming to your room to tell you this last night and to tell you ....

Finn-Tell me what??

Bayley- I forgive you and I still love you I never stopped and kissing Seth made me realise that because even thought I was kissing him all i could think about was you . I Love You Finn Balor 

Bayley went in gently cupping his face before placing a kiss on his lips as she started kissing him slow and gentle. Finn instantly kiss back as he wrapped his arms round her waist bring her closer to the bed as they locked into a passionate kiss. 

Hooray Baylor are Back together !!!! What Will happen Next??? Will Finn and Bayley's relationship Blossom to the point that Bayley will finally have sex with Finn??? Will Seth start to become obsessed with Bayley after their kiss????? Will Sasha make another reappearance????? Until Next Time xxxx

Finn Balor the Guy who I am secretly in love with is My Mixed Match PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now