Chapter 22

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Once again, (Y/N), Ghostface and Michael collectively entered the Bates Motel. They saw that some of the slashers were in the main drawing room talking with one another.

(Y/N) decided that she'd go up to her room to clean up a little and rest. As she was passing the emphasised drawing room, she paused when she heard Hannibal ask:

"Where have you three been?"

She turned and acknowledged that Hannibal was addressing her, Michael and Ghostface.

"She went and got her revenge!" Ghostface blurted.

"(Y/N), would you mind elaborating please?" Hannibal interrogated.

All eyes were now on (Y/N). It was as though a Chief Financial Officer was about to announce the yearly corporate losses when she cleared her throat before replying:

"I sought justice for my parents and myself."

"Who were you seeking justice from?" Tiffany questioned. The blonde-haired doll (along with Chucky), were both seated on a couch at the far end of the period drawing room.

"Three microbial parasitic individuals who previously caused me no end of suffering, torment and harm." (Y/N) said.

"You killed them?" Hannibal quizzed.

"I did," (Y/N) confirmed.

Initially, (Y/N) felt that there'd be disquietude however, that assumption dissipated when everyone started to congratulate her. In doing so, they referenced her similarities to her father.

Post some inquisitive questions germane with her killing methodology and style, (Y/N) declared that she felt tired and that she wanted to get some rest.

Quite the contrary however, she didn't feel tired at all. She simply felt like being alone; needing some one on one time with no-one but herself. She wanted to reflect on all her happy memories pertaining to her parents. To cry all the sad, negative feelings out of her system.

As she reached the top of the staircase, (Y/N) observed Norman rushing over to one of the bedrooms before hurrying inside with a bunch of cleaning products in his arms. (Y/N) went over to the door, it was ever so slightly ajar. So, she peeked inside through the crack.

She saw a girl sitting on a bed and noted that she looked far from normal. Her eyes were a luminous shade of lime. She had cuts and wounds scattered about her face and her brown, curly hair was frizzy. The front of her blue coloured nightgown was defiled by a bright green stain. Similarly, there was a large green stain, on the sheets of the bed.

Norman looked furious that the sheets had been dirtied.

"W-w-why d-d-did you have to m-make such a mess?" Norman demanded.

The girl didn't respond, only eyeing Norman with a confused look.

"E-e-everyone m-makes a mess! I'm s-s-so sick of i-it!" Norman fussed. "B-b-but you m-make the biggest m-m-messes R-R-Regan!"

"Shove it up your a**!" Th girl retorted, her voice was deep, croaky and raspy.

"D-d-don't s-s-speak like t-t-that!" Norman fired back.

Deciding not to risk being caught by either one of the furiously temperamental figures, (Y/N) darted away to her room. Once there she shut the door. She went into the bathroom and took a shower before slipping into her pyjamas and lying in bed.

Reminiscing, she was cognisant of the fact that she'd changed...and quite significantly. She wasn't diffident, timorous, weak or as sensitive as she used to be. She was robust, hardy and tougher.

As a consequence of going through such terrible things like the sufferings, tribulations, etc. as she did, it invariably made her stronger. But in the process, there was a flip side, the 'Ying' and 'Yang' theory; that's that (Y/N) had partially lost her lucid intelligibility. Rationality and common sense weren't as prevalent.

(Y/N) didn't mind this axiom as other slashers were similar, in fact they were deemed to be insane. It wasn't her fault if she was crazy. They had made her that way.

(Y/N) didn't care. Not at all. She was content! That's all that mattered for now.


Heyllo!!  Sorry that this chapter was kind of boring :P but the next chapter is going to be WAY better XD

Speaking of the next chapter...The next part will be the epilogue and then this story is finished!!  I'm sooo sad that this story is ending but I'm working on something right now which I'll be announcing after I publish the epilogue of this story!  And I can't wait to share it with you guys!

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment with your opinion!  I hope that you all have a wonderful day!

Remain insane 😜 !!

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