Chapter 21

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Shirley ducked for her life and in doing so plummeted towards the floor, narrowly and without logic, escaping (Y/N)'s ferocious attack. Her knees colliding with the highly glossed thick Italian floor tiles, sent an excruciating stinging pain to her legs and then throughout the rest of her body.

Like a challenging heavyweight boxer attempting to gain equilibrium, after received a 'jaw-breaking' knockout punch; she clumsily scrambled up to her feet before hurtling towards the front door. In an attempt to escape, she grabbed the front door handle and began fiddling with it; desperately trying to open the door by rotating the knob to the left and right in quick succession.

Shirley turned her gaze towards the cabinet, rushing over to it and rummaging through the drawers. She was in dire need of the key to the front door.

Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She slowly turned away from the drawers to see that it was the masked killer responsible for the homicide of Scarlett. The offender was in possession of the front door key.

Shirley wasn't able to move nor speak, she stood frozen. A myriad of thoughts started to spatter into her brain from the depths of her frightened soul. How was she going to escape? Would she be able to get help? Was she going to make it through the night and live to see the next day? What did this perpetrator of misery want? Who was the killer?

Shirley had never been in such a highly stressful and forbidding situation.

"Leave me alone!" She screamed out.

Fuelled by high octane adrenaline now pulsating throughout her whole body. She somehow managed to punch the creepily masked executioner in the stomach, causing the killer to double over.

She had to act and act fast. Seizing the unexpected moment, Shirley side stepped and then charged down the hallway reaching the back door. To her luck, it was unlocked, so she opened it and darted outside into the rear yard before jumping over the fence. She needed to escape and get help.

While running down the street, Shirley began contemplating what to do. She couldn't run to the police station, it was too far. She spotted a nearby bush and hid behind it, in an endeavour to keep out of sight.

Her heart was beating profusely and she though that it would catapult out, right through her rib cage at any give moment. Her forehead like the rest of her body was perspiring with cold sweat. She'd never been so terrified in her entire life.

As she peeked through the bush, its twigs and foliage, she tried to be as quiet as possible. She whisper-yelled to herself:

"My phone!"

Her hands darted into her pockets, unfortunately her phone wasn't there. All she found was a five-cent coin and a used bubble gum wrapper.

If she had her phone with her she could've easily contacted the police to get help. She wouldn't have kept running and hiding. But that wasn't the case as she must've forgotten her cell at Scarlett's house.

"Crap! What am I going to do?" Shirley thought. "I can't stay in this bush forever, I have to try and get to the cop-shop."

Once again, she glanced outside through the branches of the bush. The streets were empty and abandoned; not a soul in sight. She carefully climbed out and began to head down the street.

Just when (Y/N) began thinking that Sherry had escaped, she heard the distance yet relatively close footsteps. She turned and spotted Sherry running down the street. (Y/N) jogged after Sherry. Her victim stopped running; she was panting and trying to catch her breath. This made things all the easier for (Y/N).

The Weeping Wolf (Slashers x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat