Chapter 2

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Just so you know:

(Y/N)-Your name

(Y/M/N)-Your Mum's name


(Y/N) slid her fingers across the various walls of her home, tears welling up in her eyes. This would be the last time that she was in this bedroom of her beloved house, so full of memories.

The walls of the house held so many memories poignant memories of her Dad picking her up and spinning her around as rock music blared out through the numerous speakers. (Y/N) loved rock music-particularly the legendary British rock band Queen. However, she just loved music in general, she loved to play piano and learn some of her favourite songs.

She kept wandering around her bedroom until she came upon a corner, where there was a photo of her and her Dad, (Y/N) in which she was sitting by the piano and her Dad was standing next to her smiling. (Y/N) put the photo in a nearby cardboard box containing all her clothes.

"(Y/N) hurry up and bring that last box! We're leaving!" (Y/M/N) called.

"C-coming mum!" (Y/N) called, wiping away a tear.

She closed the flaps of the box, picked it up, took one last look at her bedroom and walked out.

"Here, let me take that," (Y/M/N) said, taking the box off of (Y/N). "What's wrong?"

"Nothing,' (Y/N) lied.

"Okay, go in the car and we're leaving." (Y/M/N) ordered.

(Y/N) hopped into the car and fastened her seatbelt, raindrops pattered against the window as the house she grew up in was soon out of sight.

(Y/N) had just turned fourteen a month prior and she realised how her whole life went by in a flash. She was happy growing up, she would always listen to Queen with her Dad and whenever her Mum went on a walk she would ride her bicycle alongside her Mum. Sometimes she would go too fast purposely so that her Mum would tell her to slow down.

As she was growing up, she felt loved and happy and when she was in school she loved to learn different things and had a few close friends-she wasn't popular but she wasn't someone who had no friends either.

Every year, when her school had a talent show, she would always perform piano and sing her favourite songs. Whenever she was on stage, she felt like a star and her friends as well as her parents always made her feel like a star.

As she began to grow older, her parents seemed to drift apart. Why? She had no idea, whenever she asked her Mum about it she would get in trouble.

One night her parents had a big argument, she couldn't hear what they were saying but she heard glass shattering on the floor along with more yelling.

Then a few days later, her Mum had come to her and told her that they were getting a divorce. (Y/N) felt like her heart was shattered, only to be broken into more hurtful pieces as her Dad left the next day without saying goodbye.

(Y/N) had felt like she had lost everything and her Mum had said that she didn't have enough money to pay off the house.

(Y/N)'s Aunty had her own house and wasn't married and said that her Mum could come and live with her. Sure, (Y/N) appreciated that her Aunty was being generous but her Aunty lived in a completely different suburb and (Y/N) would never see any of her friends and she wouldn't be able to play piano at the talent show and feel like a star. She felt like a star that had lost its source light.

Soon enough, (Y/M/N) had agreed to move and here she was, leaving the suburb she grew up in. Leaving her friends, her childhood and everything she loved only to move to a place where she knew no one but her Mum and Aunty. Her thoughts were interrupted when her Mum asked her a question.

"How are you feeling, sweet face?" (Y/M/N) asked.

"Fine," (Y/N) replied curtly.

"Look, I know it's hard to move but it's going to be better for the both of us."

"What if I don't make any friends?"

"Don't worry honey, in time you'll make friends."

"Sure, hopefully." (Y/N) thought.

She decided that she would try to have a positive attitude and give it a chance. Who knows? Maybe it'll be better for her.

(Y/N)'s eyelids felt heavy as she closed them and drifted off to sleep, as the car slowly drove away leaving all her happy memories behind.

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