Chapter 20

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"Hey Mikey?" Ghostface said.

"What do you want?" Michael retorted in a manner that was curt.

"You want some chips?" Ghostface offered, shoving a packet of barbeque flavoured chips under Michael's nose.


Michael angrily snatched the packet... (mantis like) and aggressively tossed it behind, onto the backseat. The landing of the packet couldn't have been more misaimed. The packet smashed against the edge of the seat propelling the remaining chips to catapult like missiles. Finally settling onto the cars mats.

"Nooooo! My chips!" Ghostface cried.

He then proceeded to gather all the chips as though his life depended on it. At which time, the rear door of the car opened.

The sudden and unexpected disturbance of the car door being flung open startled Ghostface, causing him to spill the chips he had just gathered.

He quickly swivelled himself around to observe that it was (Y/N) who had opened the door.

"Holy s**t, that scared the living daylights out of me." Ghostface declared, shaking his head.

"Sorry about that." (Y/N) replied.

"Did you kill him?" Michael interrogated.

"I did," (Y/N) confirmed.

"You killed him!" Ghostface exclaimed.


"Oh my god! How did you do it?"

"Well..." (Y/N) began.

"Was it brutal? Was it gory?" Ghostface questioned.

"Yes, it was; I slit his throat."

"Cool man! Was there a lot of blood?"

"There was,"

"I'm sure your father would be impressed,"

At the mention of her father, (Y/N) felt her heart twist and her chest feel as though it were getting tighter and tighter. Her eyes stung with hot tears which began cascading down the sides of her face.

She took a deep breath of air before thinking of something that would make her happy

Queen! She thought of their songs and began humming the tune to The Hitman. Humming the song seemed to calm the tightening feeling in her chest. It began to fade away, slowly. She was starting to feel better. She wiped away her tears before exhaling.

"Are you ok (Y/N)?" Ghostface asked, sounding concerned.

"I'm ok." (Y/N) replied. "I should go now."

"Where are you going?"

"To kill the other two,"

"Good luck," Ghostface said with eagerness.

"Thank you; I'll see you the both of you soon. If I succeed." (Y/N) announced with trepidation.

Once they had exchanged their goodbyes, (Y/N) shut the car door-in a calmer manner than when she had previously opened it and bounded down the street; she had to get to number twelve.

There was no bustle, the street was void of noise. In fact, it was so quiet that minuscule fragments of food or even bread crumbs landing on the bitumen roadway could've been heard. So, the sound of (Y/N)'s boots paving the carriageway were deafening.

In a very short period of time and out of the blue, the singular subtle breeze changed into howling blizzard like gusts which sent sharp icicle cold shivers down (Y/N)'s spine.

The Weeping Wolf (Slashers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now