I want to make you feel wanted

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The fact that we didn't have a baby shower, so we didn't get anything for Austin. Although our parents helped a lot! Kelsey helped too. So in the end we got a lot of clothes and a crib, and a diaper table, and diapers. The rest that was needed Logan and I covered. Like a bottle and formula for him.

I had to stay at the hospital for a few more days, but then was released with my new family. I sat in the passenger seat as Austin sat in his new car seat in the back. Logan drove, of course.

"Do you want to stop by Kelsey's?" He asked. I pulled my eyebrows together

"Not if Ronnie and you are going to fight. I don't want you to get arrested."

"I'm sorry, but I had to defend my girl" he answered with a smile kn his cute face. I nodded, a question came to mind

"Logan? Why do you call me, Sunshine?" He looked at me then back to the road

"You're my Sun" I was confused

"You light my day, you make my life brighter. When I was in the prison and away from you, my life was boring and dark. When I saw you, you were glowing. That's when I realized what your nick-name was" he explained quietly. I smiled. Looking back at little Austin; sleeping.

~ </3 ~

We got home a little after noon. Logan carried Austin in his carrier, our fingers were laced together. Life was perfect up until this moment.

"Tru!? Logan!?" A voice called. I looked up to meet Daffiny's eyes. Great. She looked at Logan, me, Logan, me, Logan, Austin, me, Logan

"Who's this little one?" She asked. When she knelt down to look at him, I met Logan's eyes and rolled my eyes and scowling. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Austin. Our son" She quickly looked up at us

"Your son? Both of you?" She knew how much we used to hate each other, especially with the fact that Logan was once her boyfriend! My blood slightly boiled at the thought. How could he even like her!?

"Yes, both of ours" Logan spoke up allowing me to calm down.

"Awe. He's so cute. Takes after his Daddy" I scowled. She better back off.

"Congratulations." she stepped closer to Logan. As if to whisper in his ear, but it was obvious that she gave him something. When she walked away I opened our door; carelessly tossing the keys onto the counter. I took Austin from Logan and took him from the carrier to hold him. I walked back into the kitchen where Logan was searching through the drawers for something. I wasn't to happy with what I just saw. I glared at him as he rummaged through the cabinets then. He looked back at me, seeing my expression he stopped looking

"What's wrong?" He asked

"You know what"

"I don't, I'm sorry"

"With Daffiny" he was about turn back around until I said that

"What about her?" He asked; confused. He held up a lighter

"Ah there you are" holding up a piece of paper in the air then holding the lighter under it letting the paper burn. He focused on the flame for a second then looked at me

"What's that?"

"Her number" he said simply.

"Oh" once the paper was on fire to where the number no longer showed he tossed it in the sink, avoiding the risk of being burned. He looked at me and smiled softly, stepping towards me I looked away from him, he was still in trouble.

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