Chapter 13

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     Later that day, Blaine was released with a substantial amount of pain pills, and Kurt helped him out to the cab to go back to his apartment. He gently helped him get in, closing the door behind him before getting in and sitting beside him. "How are you feeling?" He asked softly, looking over at Blaine.
      Blaine shrugged, looking out the window. "I don't know." He whispered. "I feel like I don't know anybody or anything around me." He breathed, looking over into Kurt's eyes. "You don't have to stay with me if you don't want to, I don't want taking care of me to take over your life."
     Kurt frowned, shaking his head. "I'm not gonna leave you. I'm staying." He said, taking a deep breath. He stared out the window, thanking the cab driver as they pulled up at Blaine's apartment building. He got out and walked over to Blaine's door, helping him out and keeping an arm around him as they walked into the lobby. "You're on the fourth floor." He said softly, getting into the elevator.
      Blaine nodded slowly, following Kurt into the elevator and holding onto him tightly to keep his balance. He looked around as they walked into his apartment, shaking his head. "This is really mine?" He asked quietly, letting out a deep breath as he sat down on the couch.
      Kurt nodded, sitting down beside him. "Yeah." He whispered with a soft smile, helping Blaine take off his jacket. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? I can make us some dinner."
     Blaine was looking around at the photos on the wall- there were a few of him and Cooper, and some photos of him and Kurt. It was strange to see himself in these places that he couldn't remember, and with a person he didn't know. He looked over at Kurt as he spoke, nodding slowly. "Um- just some water. Thank you." He whispered.
     Kurt nodded, getting him a glass of ice water and walking back over to the couch. "Here you go." He said softly, gently putting a hand on Blaine's. "Is there any questions you want to ask me? I know the nurse said to be slow with information, but, I'm sure you have questions."
     Blaine looked over as Kurt put a hand on his, taking a deep breath. "When did I come out to my parents?" He asked softly. "A-And what was their reaction? Were you there?"
     Kurt listened as Blaine spoke, shaking his head. "No, I wasn't there, but you told me all about it." He said. "You told them about five months ago- you were sick of hearing them talking badly about gay people so you told them, and your mom hardly reacted. She stayed mostly silent. But your dad- he freaked out and said to get out of his house, so, you did." He sighed softly. "You moved in with Cooper, and then last week you moved here for college."
    Blaine nodded slowly as he listened to Kurt, looking down. "I can't believe I really told them." He breathed, looking up into Kurt's eyes. "Do you think I told them because of you? Because I wanted to be open and not hide the relationship?" He asked.
     Kurt nodded slowly. "I mean- I always told you that you should tell them, but we weren't together when you did it." He said softly. "We broke up for a while, and we're back together now, but you told them while we were apart."
     Blaine nodded, looking over into Kurt's eyes. "How long have we known each other?" He asked quietly.
     "About a year." Kurt said softly, scooting closer to Blaine. "We fell in love last year while you were visiting Lima for the summer."
     Blaine nodded, looking down and fiddling with his fingers. "I think I'm gonna go to bed, I'm tired." He said, standing up. "Um- do you usually sleep in bed with me?"
     Kurt stood up, putting an arm around Blaine for support so he didn't strain his body. "Yeah, I do. But I can sleep on the couch tonight if you want." He said, looking up into Blaine's eyes.
     Blaine nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. "Is that okay? I'm sorry, it's just- I don't know you. It's strange enough that there's a stranger in my apartment, which I don't remember either, and I just- I would feel more comfortable if you were out here." He said, looking over at Kurt.
     Kurt swallowed thickly, before nodding. "Yeah, I uh, I get it. I'll just help you into bed." He said, walking Blaine to the bedroom and gently helping lift him into bed. He looked down into his hazel eyes, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "Just yell if you need anything, okay? I'll make us breakfast in the morning when you get up."
     Blaine looked up at Kurt and nodded. "Okay." He whispered, tugging the blankets over him. "Thank you."
     Kurt nodded, biting his lip. "Alright, um- goodnight." He whispered, leaning down and wrapping Blaine in a gentle hug, closing his eyes. "Everything's gonna be okay. I love you."
     Blaine let out a deep breath. "Goodnight." He muttered, watching as Kurt walked back out into the living room.

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