Chapter 2

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    Kurt settled on wearing his white shorts that (not to toot his own horn) made his ass look great, along with a blue button down shirt that paired nicely with his shoes. He was more nervous than he ever thought he would be- he had been wanting someone to ask him on a date for so long, he had been walking around waiting for a guy to finally notice him, and now that one had- it was terrifying. Blaine was not only ridiculously handsome, but he seemed so relaxed and natural when they talked. Kurt, on the other hand, was scared of being a babbling mess for the entire night.
    Soon enough, Kurt heard his phone buzz, and Blaine's name popped up on his screen. 'I'm out front.' The text read, and Kurt quickly grabbed his wallet and phone before walking downstairs. "Dad, I'm going to hang out with some friends, okay? I'll be home before curfew." He called, hurrying out the door before he had time to respond. He walked out to Blaine's car, getting in the passenger seat and looking over at him. "Hi." He smiled.
    Blaine grinned as he saw Kurt come out the door, looking into his eyes as he sat down. "Hey." He said softly, letting his eyes roam over Kurt's outfit. "You look gorgeous."
    Kurt bit his lip over a grin. "Thank you." He said softly. "You look really handsome." He breathed. Blaine somehow looked even more handsome than he did at the beach- he was wearing gray shorts with a white button down that was tight against his chest, along with a striped gray and white bowtie. "I love your bowtie." Kurt said, looking up into Blaine's eyes.
    "Really? All my friends say they make me look like a dork." He laughed, starting the car. He looked over at Kurt, gently taking his hand and intertwining their fingers. "Do you like Italian? There's this cute little restaurant near my grandparent's house that I hear is very romantic." He smiled, squeezing Kurt's hand.
    Kurt couldn't help the blush that spread across his cheeks as Blaine took his hand, nodding as he spoke. "Italian sounds amazing." He said softly, letting out a deep breath. Even though he was still nervous, Blaine was very calming. Holding hands with a boy and going to a romantic dinner was something Kurt had been thinking about for as long as he could remember, and so far this was even better than he imagined.
    Blaine parked the car once they got to the restaurant, getting out and opening Kurt's door for him. He held out his hand, taking Kurt's and intertwining their fingers again as they walked inside. "This place looks perfect." He grinned, following the waiter back to their table. He sat down across from Kurt, looking over into his eyes with a grin. "Tell me everything I should know about you."
    Kurt followed Blaine inside, sitting down across from him. He laughed breathlessly as Blaine spoke, shaking his head. "What do you want to know?" He asked softly.
    Blaine shrugged. "I don't know- everything. Tell me about your family, what you like to do, what passions you have." He smiled. "I wanna hear all about the gorgeous blue eyed boy I met at the lake today."
    Kurt's cheeks felt like they were gonna fall off if he didn't stop blushing so hard, but Blaine couldn't seem to stop complimenting him. "I, um, I'm really not all that interesting." He said softly. "I was born here, and my dad has always been so supportive of me. My mom died when I was eight, so since then it's been me and him. A couple of years ago he remarried a lady named Carole, who's just as supportive and loving. They're both really great people." He smiled. "Um- I love to sing, and I love to act, and I love fashion. I'd be happy with a career in any of those fields." He said, taking a deep breath. "What about you?"
    Blaine listened as Kurt spoke, nodding slowly. "I'm sorry about your mom, Kurt." He said softly, taking his hand across the table and squeezing it gently. "I'm glad you have people like them, it can really change your whole life if parents aren't supportive. Trust me, I know." He said, sighing softly. "I'm not even out to my parents. I asked them a few years back what they thought of gay people and they told me that they don't even consider them people." He said, looking up into Kurt's eyes. "That's why I love coming here for the summer. I'm out to all my friends, and I don't have to worry about my parents finding out because my grandparents are really supportive. This is kind of my escape."
    Kurt frowned as Blaine spoke. He couldn't even imagine what he would have done if his parents had rejected him- it made him sad that anyone would have to go through that. "I'm really sorry." He said, squeezing Blaine's hand. "I'm glad you're here, though. I'm glad we can go out to dinner together without the fear of judgement." He smiled.
    Blaine nodded. "I'm glad too. I wouldn't have ever been able to ask you out if I were back home." He said, smiling softly.
    They both ordered once the waiter came to their table, continuing to talk and laugh as they ate. "Wait- your friend really broke your window because you wouldn't go out with her?" Blaine laughed, shaking his head.
     Kurt nodded. "I wasn't out yet- she thought I was just rejecting her." He laughed, taking a sip of his water. He looked over at his phone, sighing softly as he saw the time. "We should probably go soon, I told my dad I'd be home by curfew."
    Blaine sighed softly as well, before nodding. "I should get you home, then. Don't want to make your dad hate me before I even meet him." He laughed softly, squeezing Kurt's hand. He pulled out his wallet and paid the check, before standing up and offering his hand out to Kurt again.
    Kurt took Blaine's hand, letting out a happy sigh as they walked out to the car. "Thank you for dinner." He said, looking over at Blaine as they got in.
     Blaine got in the driver's seat, smiling softly. "Thank you for agreeing to come with me." He said, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Kurt's hand. "And just so you know, I don't usually go around asking random guys out on the beach. You were an exception." He grinned, starting the car and driving towards Kurt's house.
    Kurt's heart fluttered as Blaine kissed his hand, and he couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he spoke. Tonight felt like it was from a movie- the way Blaine treated him was incredible. He rested his head on Blaine's shoulder as they drove, sighing softly once they arrived at his house. "Thank you again." Kurt whispered softly, unbuckling his seatbelt and looking up into Blaine's eyes.
    Blaine shook his head. "You don't have to thank me. I had a great time." He said, his thumb sliding over Kurt's knuckles. "Do you have any plans tomorrow? I could pick you up in the morning and take you to breakfast." He smiled, squeezing Kurt's hand.
    Kurt nodded quickly. "I would love that." He laughed breathlessly, looking over at the time. "I have to go in, my dad is gonna kill me if I'm late."
    Blaine looked over at the clock. "That clock is fast. We still have three minutes." He smiled softly, gently letting go of Kurt's hand and cupping his cheek. He fluttered his eyes closed before leaning in, pressing their lips together and letting out a happy sigh against him.
    Kurt's heart was pounding as Blaine cupped his cheek, his eyes fluttering closed as their lips pressed together. Just this morning he had never even held hands with a boy, and now he was kissing one. And it wasn't just any boy- it was Blaine. Handsome, kind, /dreamy/ Blaine that he couldn't believe was even interested in him. He had come to learn that a lot could change in the span of 24 hours.
    His eyes opened slowly as they pulled away, his heart still beating out of his chest. He looked up into Blaine's eyes, biting his lip over a smile. He wanted to lean in again, to keep kissing him forever, but the clock now read 10:03pm and Burt was going to be coming outside any minute to look for him. "I'll see you in the morning." He breathed softly, looking up into Blaine's hazel eyes.
    "See you in the morning, beautiful." Blaine breathed, sighing happily as Kurt got out of the car. He had no idea that this ocean eyed boy was going to steal his heart so quickly.

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