Chapter 6

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    Kurt felt like there was no possible way his life could get any more perfect. He had an amazing group of friends, a supportive family, and he had a wonderful boyfriend (with whom he had even more wonderful sex). It had been two weeks since their first time, and their one month anniversary was coming up.
    They were sitting on a park bench together watching the sunset, their hands intertwined as Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder. "The sky is beautiful." He whispered, sighing happily. "Almost as beautiful as you."
    Kurt bit his lip over a grin, squeezing Blaine's hand. "You are so cheesy." He said, his free hand tracing patterns on Blaine's arm. "Are you excited for our anniversary tomorrow?" He asked, pulling back slightly to look into Blaine's eyes.
    Blaine nodded, smiling widely. "I have a whole day planned." He said softly, nuzzling Kurt's nose and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "I'm gonna knock you off your feet." He teased, sliding a hand through his boyfriend's hair.
    Kurt laughed softly, rolling his eyes. "I can't wait."

    Later that night, Kurt was sitting in bed, watching a movie on his laptop and resting back against his pillow. He yawned softly, frowning as he heard a noise coming from outside his window. He stood up slowly, walking over to his window and looking outside. "Oh my god." He whispered, sliding the window open. "Blaine?" He breathed quietly. "What the hell are you doing here?"
    Blaine grinned as he saw Kurt, hoisting himself up the tree and climbing into his window. "Hi." He whispered, standing up and wrapping Kurt in a tight hug. "It's midnight- it's our anniversary."
    Kurt laughed breathlessly, hugging Blaine tightly. "You're insane." He breathed, shaking his head as he pulled back to look into Blaine's eyes. "My parents are gonna kill us if they find out you snuck in."
    Blaine shook his head, sliding a hand through Kurt's hair. "They won't know, I promise. I parked two blocks away, and I was super quiet coming up the tree. And they leave in the morning for work, so I just won't leave the room until they go." He said, cupping Kurt's cheek. "I brought these." He smiled, taking his backpack off and pulling out a box of chocolate covered strawberries.
    Kurt shook his head in disbelief, smiling widely. "You're amazing." He whispered, sitting down in bed and pulling Blaine down beside him. He cuddled into his boyfriend's arms, sighing happily as Blaine pulled out a strawberry and fed it to him. "Thank you, handsome." He said softly, smiling up at Blaine and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
    Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips, sliding a hand up and down his side. "Happy anniversary." He whispered, nuzzling Kurt's nose before feeding him another strawberry. "This month has been incredible."
    Kurt nodded, setting the strawberries aside and leaning in to press another slow kiss to Blaine's lips. "It has been incredible." He whispered, wrapping his arms around Blaine's torso and hugging him tightly. "You make me so happy."
    Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt in return, holding onto him tightly. "You make me happy, too." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the crook of Kurt's neck and breathing in his scent. He held Kurt in his arms and laid down in bed, rubbing soft circles on his back. "I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life." He breathed, pulling back slightly to look into Kurt's eyes. "Who knew some blue eyed boy from the lake would steal my heart." He teased.
     Kurt looked up into Blaine's eyes as he spoke, biting his lip. "You're amazing." He whispered, shaking his head. "I never thought I would find anyone who even liked me- much less some insanely handsome boy who treats me like a prince." He breathed, bringing a hand up to cup Blaine's cheek. "You make me feel like I'm on cloud nine everyday- you make me feel confident in myself, which is something that I never thought would happen."
     Blaine ran a hand through Kurt's hair, gazing into his eyes. "You should be confident. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life." He whispered, smiling softly. "Everytime I see you I feel like you've somehow gotten more gorgeous." He laughed, shaking his head. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world."
     Kurt tried to hold back tears that came to his eyes as Blaine spoke, sniffling softly. "I'm the lucky one." He breathed, pressing his lips against Blaine's and kissing him deeply, pulling him impossibly closer.
     Blaine fluttered his eyes closed, letting out a happy sigh against Kurt's lips. He slid his hands under the fabric of Kurt's pajama top, letting them roam over his bare skin. He gently rolled them over so he was on top of Kurt, his hands moving forward to unbutton his top slowly.
     Kurt held onto Blaine's sides as he rolled on top of him, his eyes fluttering closed as his body relaxed under Blaine's touch. He never thought he would be comfortable enough to let someone touch him like this, but Blaine made him feel safe, like nothing could hurt him while they were together. "I love you." He whispered, taking a deep breath.
     Blaine pulled back slightly, looking down into Kurt's eyes. "I love you too." He whispered in return, biting his lip over a smile.
     Kurt laughed breathlessly, taking Blaine's hand and intertwining their fingers. "I told myself I'd wait a few more weeks before saying that, but-"
     Blaine shook his head, cupping Kurt's cheek. "It's okay. I've been wanting to say it, too." He said softly, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's lips. "I love you." He breathed with a grin, wrapping Kurt in a hug and holding onto him tightly.
     Kurt fluttered his eyes closed, kissing and hugging him in return. "I love you." He breathed in return, sighing happily. He finally had his fairytale love story, and he couldn't believe that he had fallen in love with the world's most handsome boy. And that this boy loved him back.

Ocean EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora