Lonely in The Crowd

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I'm not sure how I let my sister drag me into a human vs zombie night at 'The Scratching post', bars have never really been my scene and bars that thrive off the fragility of our new society? Not really the business I'd want to support, but that girl could talk me into anything I swear. She gives me those cute little puppy eyes and I just can't say no, she could talk me into murder. Some people say she's capable of it, murder, despite her job as some rookie cop's sniffer dog. She gives off a "vibe" Cole always says. I disagree.

So here I am. Sat alone, after being abandoned by the very same older sister who dragged me across Seattle to experience the "greatest night of my life" in the first place. I have to admit so far, I'm severely underwhelmed, the atmosphere is just so off. Is it wrong to say all the people dancing is annoying me slightly? They act like the possibility that Seattle might be wiped off the map any day now isn't something to be glum about. It is.

I'm not sure quite what I expected but I have to say, the club itself is quite well presented. It'd be classy if it wasn't for the zombie hookers with their garish wired bras, pushing their breasts forcefully into the faces of sexually-deprived men. The bartender, who had clearly subjected himself to the tasting of modern-artist-blue-brain prior to serving tonight, is also the place down. But all in all? I'm impressed by the look of it all. It's just a shame about all the people. Maybe I'd come here again sometime in the future to drink away my sorrows, preferably on a night where there isn't a large dance-off situated in the centre of the club -- yeah, that sounds nice. Hopefully, it would be quieter on a weeknight and I'd feel less bad about drinking in a poorly lit corner alone.

Part of me wishes I had someone to dance with. Not an annoyingly hyperactive older sister that has a habit of blending in with the crowd and leaving me stranded in unfamiliar territory, but a man -- a tall, strong, protective man. Someone kind, someone handsome, someone you dream of having children with. Someone who would laugh and dance, drinking his way through the night with me but also someone who would understand if I just want to sit quietly and talk about anything and everything while others get up and dance around us. A man that's passionately calm. That might seem like a lot but in reality, I don't know what I want. I'm just describing every woman's ideal right?

Then there's still this whole other part of me who thinks men are worthless, all they ever want is sex and someone to compliment their dick. That part of me tends to come out when I meet even the nicest of guys. Men use women as an ego boost. They lie, cheat, manipulate. This part of me is overly pessimistic, of course I know there are good men, the problem is finding them. That's why I just sit back and wait for the good men to find me, though that hasn't worked out well for me so far.

Maybe it's time I try make a move.

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