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Charlee woke to the sound of her phone ringing. She groaned. She looked to see it was her sister, Leigh. Charlee answered it. All she could make out was her sister and pregnant.

Charlee climbed out of bed and groaned again. She got dressed and decided to head to Rochdale. She wanted away from London. Away from the man who ruined her life.

Charlee arrived in Rochdale. It was about 9pm. She knew she wanted to have some fun before heading to her aunts. Charlee went to a club.

Charlee sat at the bar downing drinks. She smiled as a guy sat down with her. "So why are you alone?" He asked. It was obvious he was drunk.

"Cause I'm avoiding twatty men who can't make up their minds about an affair," Charlee told him.

"Max Tyler."

"Charlee Baxter."

Max and Charlee were sitting in a corner. Charlee grinned. "So Max Tyler. What do you do?" She asked.

"Well up until today, I was an executive head at a school. Until a ex-hooker with a name change ruined everything for me," Max explained.

Charlee frowned. "Wow. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Meeting you made up for it."

Max took Charlee outside to the alley. He pinned her against the wall. Charlee looked up at him. "Kiss me then. If you're man enough."

Max planted his lips onto Charlee's and kissed her passionately. Charlee kissed back. "Let's go back to the hotel I'm in," Max said.

Charlee nodded.

Max took Charlee to his hotel. Charlee grinned and kissed him. Max laid her on the bed and kissed her neck. He put his hands down her jeans and began to pleasure her. Charlee swore.

Max smirked. He made her climax. He stood up and went to get a condom. He realised he didn't have none. He went back to Charlee. "I'm out of protection."

Charlee nodded. "It's fine."

Max and Charlee were having sex. Charlee swore. Max made her feel good. He smirked as he kissed her neck. She grinned. "You're not a bad guy."

"Why thank you."

Max and Charlee soon climaxed. Max pulled out and smirked. Charlee began to get dressed. "Give me your number."

Charlee our her number in his phone. She kissed his cheek and left.

Rachel woke at 9am to the sound of the door knocking. She opened it to see Charlee standing there. "Charlee?"

"Leigh said she needed me so I came."

Rachel nodded and took her niece into the house. Leigh saw her little sister and held her close. "What happened?" Charlee asked.

"Guess who's having a baby."

Charlee laughed and nodded. "Yeah I sort of got that from the hectic call this morning. Who's the daddy?" She asked.

"Ex English teacher."

Charlee's eyes widened. "Tom Clarkson? Wow.  Wait! Weren't you shagging him before you left?" She asked.

Leigh rolled her eyes. "That's all you can remember? Rachel had an argument with some tosser. He left."

Charlee frowned. If only she knew that the guy she spent the night with, was the one who had wanted her aunt gone.

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