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Charlee was annoyed at how Max Tyler was back. She was annoyed. She didn't want him here.

She knew all that he did and how he was good at screwing people around. She knew that she didn't want that. She didn't need it. She knew that a lot had happened and she hated it. She hated him.

She knew how all he had done. And she knew that she just didn't trust him for it.

She knew that she was pregnant and having Max's baby. But she knew that she didn't trust him. She didn't care about how he had told her how he wanted to be there and be better. 

He had hurt her and a lot of people. He tried to get Rachel fired. She knew just how it was something that she couldn't forgive.

Charlee stood in her flat. She sighed as she looked to her phone as it rang. She saw it was Max. She rolled her eyes as she declined the call.

She didn't care if he was sorry or trying to make it up to her. She knew that she didn't trust him. Charlee placed a hand on her bump and sighed.

Her head was a mess and she knew that she was trying to do what she could to do what was best for her baby and to look after it.

She knew how Max Tyler was good at messing with her head. She knew that it wasn't so easy to deal with. 


Charlee got to work and stood in the staffroom. She looked to see Leigh as she walked into the staffroom.

Charlee looked to her and smiled. "I wanted to see if you were okay. I know Max is here. I know it can't be easy. But I am here for you. I love you I am your sister. And it will all be okay."

"I hope that you're right. It's just Max Tyler. I hate him. I hate that he gets in my head. I hate what he does. I just hate how he gets away with it all. It's just not fair. But I am here. I am pregnant. And I am trying to deal with it all. It's not easy," Charlee said.

"You will be okay besides if Max Tyler messes you around again, I will kill him," Leigh said as Charlee looked to her sister and chuckled.

Knowing that she was serious.


Charlee sat in her classroom and looked to see max as he walked in. She looked to her and smiled. "I don't want to talk to you Max."

"Look I know that you're mad at me. I know what I have done. I am sorry. I do want to make it work. I want to make it up to you. I know that you have no reason to trust me. But it will be okay. I want to be a father if you give me a chance," Max told her.

Charlee looked to him and frowned. Her head was a mess. And she didn't know what to do. But would Charlee give him another chance?

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