Chapter 28 {Part 2}

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The pair arrives in California around sundown. It's a little warmer than Keith expected. It was in the 50s and 60s back in South Korea... In California, it was around 70.

They go to Lance's place up in the gated neighborhoods for celebrities in the Hollywood hills. Its a nice modern mini mansion overlooking the other homes below. The driver pulls into the huge two entrance driveway and stops right in front of the front entrance. Lance thanks the drive and grabs his luggage along with Keith's who argues about how he can take care of his own stuff.

"Ah... home sweet home!" Lance says contently. 

Keith is a little amazed, "Your home is awesome."

"It's nothing compared to your 3 story penthouse," Lance replies.

Lance unlocks the front door and leads Keith into the huge open entrance with a huge staircase. 

"Allow me to give you a tour of my home," Lance says, rolling his luggage over in front of the side table to the right of the door.

"I'm going to need a tour... I think I might get lost in here." Keith jokes.

After the long extensive tour, Lance leads Keith to the master bedroom, aka Lance's room.

"As you can see to the left of the stairs we have the at home recording studio that every artist needs," Lance says, "Then right across the hall we have the best room in the house!"

"Lemme guess, it's your room." Keith raises an eyebrow playfully.

"Yep!" Lance opens the door and shows Keith the huge room with two walls of just windows.

"Wow... I think your room is nicer than mine in Korea." Keith exclaims stepping into the room, his suitcase still trailing behind him cause he refused to leave it downstairs, "Speaking of which... Which one of those fancy guest rooms is mine?"

Lance bites the inside of his lip nervously before smiling, "Weeeellll... about that...."

"What..?" Keith asks confused.

"Weelllll... I was thinking... You know, since we're together an all... that maybe... You know... You'd like to share my room...?"

Keith's eyes widen in surprise sends Lance into a panic, "I MEAN! YOU DON'T HAVE TO IF YOU DON'T WANT TOO! THEre's always the guest bedrooms and I mean sure-"

Keith shuts his rambling boyfriend up with a kiss that lasts for about 30 seconds before he pulls away, answering, "Of course I'm fine with sharing a room with you."


"Like you said, I am your boyfriend, right?"



The couple screw around for a little bit. They practically destroyed the kitchen trying to make chocolate chip cookies. They also had to reorganize Lance's dresser so they could fit Keith's clothing in.

"And I thought I had an ungodly amount of clothes," Keith says, leaning against the bed, "But you sir, have proved me wrong."

After all of that and getting Keith settled into the new environment, it's already dark out. The pair decides that they're going to play games for a while until they get tired.

"It's weird being on the California schedule. It's literally the middle of the day over Korea right now... It's so weird..." Keith mentions while they're playing some random racing game on Lance's x-box.

"After being in Korea for six months I understand the feeling... It is very weird." Lance agrees.

"Are we even going to sleep tonight?" Keith asks as he glances at the high-tech digital clock on the nightstand, "It's already 10 pm."

"I mean if you want to we can but I'm not anywhere close to being tired," Lance says.


Time seems to pass by quickly and soon its already 2 am. The album partners have officially run out of cookies and they're consumed by boredom.

"What time is it?" Keith asks, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Lance looks at the time on his phone, "2 am."

"That'd make it about 6 pm in Korea...", Keith sighs, "We so aren't sleeping until like 5 am are we?"

"What? You tired?"

"Nope... Just bored."

"Understandable," Lance replies, scrolling through his Instagram feed, "I mean we have just been laying here for an hour doing virtually nothing."

Keith rolls son his side and looks at Lance, "Maybe we should just try to go to sleep. After all, we need to try and get on the American sleep schedule."

Lance silently agrees and gets up to turn off the light. After the light is off, the two lay in silence still very much awake. After about an hour of tossing and turning the pair start talking.

"Sleep is so not an option right now." Lance groans.

Keith sighs and nods, "Yep... Guess we'll just be up all night then."

Lance rolls his eyes, "Even though we aren't tired let's just try... I'm sure Hunk and Pidge already informed my family I'm back."

"Yeah, so? What does your family have to do with sleep?"

"Knowing them they'll show up at like 9 am going crazy about how I'm finally back, and believe me. Dealing with them while you are half awake is like trying to hold a conversation with a 3-year-old."

"Did you just compare your family to a 3-year-old?"

"Yep... The attention span of a McClain is nearly non-existent when one of us notices the other is falling asleep. Then we can't focus on anything... but everything goes back to you should've gotten more sleep."

Keith notices that Lance seemed to slur his words a little more. They seemed coated in drowsiness. Which they were. Lance was finally feeling tired while Keith, on the other hand, is still very much awake.

But pushing his own attentive state aside, Keith kept quiet as his boyfriend slowly falls asleep. Soon enough Keith starts to feel drowsy and joins Lance in dream world.


Ya'll I'm so fucking tired. I'm going to sleep soon. Night Klancers.

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