Q&A Part 2

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Q: Favorite Book?
A: I actually haven't read much lately or at all in the past few years. I mainly read manga.. well yaoi manga with a few exceptions of sports and such.
Even though it's stereotypical for a klance shipper, 'Dirty Laundry' will always have a soft spot in my heart. That was my first time reading a klance story so I guess it kinda reeled me in.

Q: How does Lance REALLY feel about Keith? ('Cause rn, even though they made up, I'm still salty about it.)
A: *Awkward laughter* Sorry for breaking the fanbase... But that right there is somewhat spoilery sooooooo I'll be Jeremy for a sec and spoil it but not directly say it.

Lance has a soft spot for Keith. :)
He doesn't want to hurt Keith but it just kinda happens.

Q: What's your favorite episode of Voltron ?
A: Any episode of Lotor being yeeted... xD. Um, no. Though I love the Lotor Yeet Saga I don't really have a favourite episode. If I had to to choose I'd probably say that episode in Season 3 with the famous bedroom scene.

Q: So does Lance really know how he feels about Keith or is he still unsure about what he feels?
A: This is a popular question xD. Well I'll give out some more information. But if I get another one of these I am ignoring it 'cause it's popular.

Lance doesn't fully except himself yet so he can not love another until he figures himself out. Though he cares, Lance's relationship with Keith is going to be full of tears. We haven't even gotten to my main angst chapter(s). I've been planning something almost as upsetting as Season 6 since the beginning so hold on to the tissue box kids.

Q: Will they go to LA to record?
A: Yes.

Q: How do you feel about Season 6?
A: Um... Season 6 fookin w r e c k e d ME. But the Lotor Yeet Saga helped cheer me up. Though I stan Lotor I love seeing him getting yeeted. Only 'cause he bounces. LIKE HOW MUCH DOES HE WEIGH??? WHY DOES HE BOUNCE???

Q: Do you think, based off how they act and stuff in show, will propose if Lance and Keith do end up dating? :)
A: If they do end up together I would scream just an FYI. But, given how the act it's a 50/50 chance. Honestly, I feel like it'd get a little competitive. Just with how they are... No matter how much they love each other it'd probably end out being a competition or something... It's just how they are. :/

Q: What do you think of Lance's "death" in Season 6?
A: I didn't even realize he was dead at first. I thought he got liked knocked out. But then for I was already sobbing 'cause I was wrecked. But my small Cuban baby boy is alive now... Well kinda... He's a zombie technically... Which IS ACTUALLY FOOKIN COOL. But... if something happens to him or my other bab I will fite someone.

Q: What's your opinion on Shiro being stuck in the astral plane?
A: I was S H O O K. I still am shook tbh. Just... SHIRO HAS BEEN DEAD SINCE S E A S O N 2???????????? Just.. I can barely comprehend that. Just... W H A T.

Q: How did you feel when Keith said, "You're my brother" "I love you" to Shiro in Season 6?
A: I thought it was actually kinda cute but heartbreaking. Like it takes alot out of Keith's character canonly and fanonly to say something like that. Keith DOES NOT say stuff like that. So I was shook... But also it was confirmation that the two are actual brothers.... or well.. father/son kinda... Idk. It was cute though.

Q: Instead of others opinions on your book, what's your opinion?
A: I don't really know... Like I don't really have that much of an opinion if I'm being honest. I'm sure I could do better with somethings but I'm human and L A Z Y. I'm honestly surprised that I even wrote something like this. The love and support from the fanbase is unbelievable as well. Just wow.. thanks sooooo much.
But as for my opinion, I think this is one of the best stories I have ever made. And trust me, I've made about a hundred stories from the time I was 5.

Q: How can Keith change his emotions like that? (I'd hold a grudge for the rest of my life)
A: Oh... Keith is still upset and pissed off. He trusts Lance (even though he's a sick sometimes) and actually REALLY likes him. He doesn't want this relationship to end up as a shit show so he's willing to push aside some stuff. He's gonna snap eventually though... That's when it gets R E A L angsty.

Q: Tell us a scandal you have had ask drama.
A: I don't actually understand what this question is asking... If it's about a personal scandal, I've had none tbh.

Q: Why are you so awesome?
A: Uh... This one is from Instagram... I don't think I'm 'awesome' but okay...?

Q: Favourite Song?
A: Ah.. Yes, my favourite song changes a lot. Last time it was 'Little Poor Me'. Admittedly, I haven't really been listening to music lately. So I don't have a favourite song. But honestly? I could listen 'Havana' AAAALLLLL DAAAAAAAAYYY (its not like I haven't done that already).
So I guess Havana?

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