Chapter 44

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"Alright, we have two hours left," Keith states, closing his phone and shoving it in his back pocket.

"We need to go on the Ferris wheel," Lance says, hands behind his head.

"Alright, what else do we NEED to do- oh my god," Keith looks into a claw machine and sees a cute hippo plushie (ref. 2 pic. @ end of chp.) that is just calling his name, "Is that a hippo plushie?" Lance peers around his boyfriend's shoulder to get a peek, "Oh my god, it is. Lance, I need it."

"Babe, y' know these are rigged. There's no..." Lance stops upon seeing the puppy dog eyes, "Don't you dare try to guilt-trip me."





"Fine, I'll try to get it then," Keith tries and he fails. He tries again... and fails. And then again, and the same outcome. 

Right as he's about to give up, Lance pushes him aside. With a sigh, he pops the quarters in and easily gets the plushie out after the third try. Reaching into the compartment and grabbing the plush, Lance hands it over to Keith, "Happy?"


"Now, can we go on the Ferris wheel?"


The two walk over to the line for the gigantic wheel and wait for a while. 

"Thank you for this," Keith says, squeezing the plush in his arms.

"You're welcome," Lance replies, snaking an arm around Keith's waist.

Keith looks up at Lance for a moment, "We're in public."


"Didn't you say we were supposed to be like... Y'know, a secret?"


"Do you realize what you're doing?"


"And it doesn't bother you, what so ever."

"Babe, we're not that obvious."


After a little bit longer, they're let on as the sun begins to set. The sky is painted shades of blue and pink, with purple hues along with orange sprinkled in. Keith looks around as they're nearing the top.


Lance admires his boyfriend from the other side of the cart. The air flows gently through the other's dark hair, along with the hues of pink tinting Keith's wonderstruck face. Keith stares out at the skyline in awe.

"It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful."

Keith blushes and glances at Lance, "Shut it." 

He earns a laugh as he turns his attention back to the beautiful skyscape in front of him, "I never thought a city could be this pretty."

Lance smiles and gets up, causing the cart to shake a bit. Keith automatically has a death grip on the railing lining the outside of the cart upon feeling the shaking.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Lance shimmies around the middle bit and sits next to Keith, "Getting closer to you."

Keith rolls his eyes and looks down at the beach. Kids with their friends and families litter the sandy shore along with the tents and towels. He sighs and leans back, looking troubled.

"What's wrong?" Lance asks.

"It's nothing," Keith smiles, "Just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"Family," Keith replies, "Well, lack of."


"It's nothing," Keith shifts his attention to Lance, "Just dumb thoughts."


Keith reaches for the other's hand, fingers intertwining, "I'm really gonna miss waking up and seeing your dumb face every morning."

"Hey, my face isn't dumb," Lance says, "If anything yours is dumb!" 

"Oh really?"


"Well, my dumb face wants to get closer to yours," Keith replies, leaning in and stealing a quick kiss.

Lance smiles as the latter pulls away, "Where do you think you're going?"

Lance pulls the other back into another kiss. It's soft and sweet. No hints of lust or bitterness. Just sweet and simple. Pulling away, Keith shakes his head with a smile, "I thought we were supposed to not be obvious."

"I could care less right now."



The pair walk through the busy airport towards the waiting area for Keith's flight. They were running short on time, after getting stuck in traffic and at security, so the send off had to be simple and fast. But, we all know that's not going to happen.

Keith has Lance's jacket on over his clothes from their date on the pier. His left hand has his suitcase and bags and his other is holding Lance's.

"You better call me when you land," Lance says as they reach the entrance.

"I will."

"And call me when you have free time."

"I will."


Keith cuts him off with a quick pec, "I get it."

"You do?"

"Yes," Keith says, letting go of Lance's hand, "I'll call you and text you whenever I get a chance. You better do the same."

"I will."


The boarding call comes over the coms for Keith's flight.

"I should get going."

"Yeah," Lance says.

He watches Keith walk away before he remembers the key.

"Hey, wait."

Keith turns and lets Lance catch up to him, "What?"

Lance fishes around in his pockets for a second before he finds the key. He pulls the locket key out and shows it to his lover, "You remember how we were talking about getting you a key.. Well, I had Hunk get this for you and uh..."

Keith smiles and looks like he might cry. He wraps his arms around Lance and hugs him tight, "Thank you."

They part and Lance gives Keith the key, "I had it made into a necklace so you can always have it on you."

"I love it," Keith replies, looking the key over. He looks back up at Lance with a big lovestruck smile before putting the necklace on, "I'm keeping this on me 24/7."

"Good," Lance smiles, equally as lovestruck, "Anyways, you should get going."



Here's the hippo

Here's the hippo

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