Chapter 11

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Lance had one thought on his mind all day. What kind of relationship does Keith have with his mother? He seems very hostile the moment anyone mentions anything about parents. Was Keith adopted or something? Lance didn't want to push his luck at this point but he is really curious. Recording was full of unnecessary tension already but with the mention of his mother, Keith got even more hostile. 

"Alright, boys." Pidge's voice snaps Lance out of his thoughts, "We're gonna wrap up today. Today was clearly not a recording day. But we will be back tomorrow." 

Keith had a hostile aura surrounding him which put Lance on edge. He kept rethinking his "brilliant" plan, but Lance is still determined to figure out more about his album mate. 


"Keith, are you coming with to Allura's after party?" Shiro asks his little brother through his bedroom door.

Keith glares up from his phone and to the door, "Uh... No thanks. Parties aren't really my scene you know?"

Shiro rolls his eyes, "Come on! She just got her big break in the film industry! I know she'd love it if your emo ass showed up."

"My emo ass is comfortable in red fuzzy night pants and a sweater." Keith sarcastically answers throwing his phone aside, "Not in some fancy ass clothes." 

"Hardy Har... I guess I'll just leave you here. Alone, with Lance." Shiro teases, "You know your album mate that you have a big fat crush on."

Keith chucks a pillow at the door, blushing furiously, "SHUT UP!" 

Shiro chuckles, "Alright I'm leaving! Don't get pregnant while I'm gone!" 

Shiro turns on his heel and smirks hearing his little brother scream in rage, "TAKASHI I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Keith stomps over to his door and chases his brother downstairs. 

Shiro just barely escapes his angry younger brother's grasps. Keith is a just a second late to catch his brother and slams his face into the elevator doors. Falling back flat on his ass Keith looks up at the ceiling rubbing his face crying out in pain, "OW"
Slowly getting up Keith goes back into his penthouse an into the living room. He turns on the TV and starts watching the latest celebrity gossip channel. He doesn't even notice Lance who is trying to sneak out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn.

 Lance slowly starts to sneak past Keith so he can go back up to his room and binge watch Disney movies. He almost makes it to the stairs. ALMOST. But he hears Keith sneeze and on instinct, he says, "Bless you." 

Keith whips his head around and spots Lance who's frozen in place. He eyes him up and down and raises an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"

"Just taking this popcorn and leaving," Lance says, edging closer to the stairs, "Now if you'll excuse me... I'll just-"

Keith looks at Lance with a soft smile, "W-Wanna... Stay down here with me..?" he looks down blushing bright red, "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. It's just you know... There's been a lot of tension between us, and I just thought that-"

Lance walks over to Keith and sits next to Keith with the bowl of popcorn still in his hands, "You're rambling."

Keith blushes even brighter, "Sorry. Sorry... I just thought since it's just you and me tonight you'd like to hang out-"

"It's just us?" Lance raises an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah..." Keith stutters, "Shiro went out to his girlfriend's after party. She was in a movie recently and you know how that goes..." 

"So it's just you and me?"

'Is this idiot even listening to me?'

"Yeah, I already said it's just you and me tonight." 

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