Chapter 37

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Okay, soooo, I had the balls to post one of my draft stories... but like only a part of it..... it's a kiribaku/bakushima/bakukiri/whatever the hell you wanna call Bakugo and Kirishima, story.... it's not even complete like this train wreck... but can I get a few reads.....? Okay sorry for self promo, take this new chapter.

After he gets out of the shower, Lance goes back to the dresser drawer and grabs his phone. Surprisingly, Keith never grabbed his phone, so Lance also grabbed that device as well. He climbs into bed and plugs his phone in then leans over Keith and put his phone on the nightstand on that side of the bed.

"Wow, I can actually have my phone back?" Keith remarks, turning his head and looking up at Lance.

"I only took it so we could talk. I'm not gonna hammer you with more questions tonight anyways," He yawns and lays on his back, "Besides I'm tired and we both need to sleep."

Keith hums in agreement rolling over to facing Lance, "I'm sorry for being a jerk earlier... And for walking out and scaring the shit outta you."

"Yeah, don't do that again. The walking out thing. My friends and I literally had a mini search party going on."

"I'll try not to,"

"And no more stupid fights," Lance rolls over and looks at Keith, dead in the eyes, "'Cause this is getting ridiculous."

"No promises."


"Lance," Keith smiles, "I was joking. I'll try to be more cooperative and you better do the same,"

The two agree that they need to work on their communication skills, because honestly? The fights they get into are dumb, childish, and petty.

"Also," Keith begins, "You forgot to turn off the lights."

"Oh come on."

"Your house, your lights."

Lance sighs and rolls out of bed and flicks the switch before getting back into bed, "You could've done that,"

"Could've buuut I was too comfortable and I wasn't getting up. Besides you're closer anyways."



The two shift around in the bed for a little bit until they're officially super comfortable which leads to Keith partially draped across Lance.


In the morning, the blinds on the walls of windows raise to bring in the much needed light of the morning sun into the room. Keith is the first to stir awake because of the blinding nature of the sun.

Keith rolls off of Lance and stretches, yawning in the process. He reaches over and grabs his phone to see that it's 9:13am. Letting out a low groan he taps his social media folder and goes to Instagram. As per usual his feed is full of new pictures of his fellow celebrities and k-pop stars. Out of boredom he goes to the discover section and types in his name. Normal fan posts like drawings and edits pop up. He makes sure to comment and like some of them as he goes through. Interactions with your fanbase are key. Especially the good ones. He keeps scrolling and finds drama and leaked photos of Lance and him. This time at the end of the collection of leaked photos was a well edited photo of the pair kissing. His gut sinks for a moment until he swipes one more time and sees the timelapse of the edit. He let's out a small sigh before tapping the description to see a caption he expected but wasn't ready for.

"My new OTP <3"

Wanting to tease the fanbase a bit he taps comment and starts typing. He has to think of something that's not too suspicious. After about a minute of thinking he quickly types, "Nice edit ❤👍🏻"
Before submitting the comment he looks over to Lance who is still asleep. He debates for a moment of whether or not he should send it or not. Before he psychs himself out too much, he hits send and immediately turns his phone off. He stares at his blackened screen and instantly has an, "oh fuck" moment. He really just sent a comment to a fan that made an edit of Lance and him kissing. What was he thinking? What if this goes viral? No, it can't. Right? It was just a small fan account right?

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