Chapter 48

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Sure enough, like most days, the klance hashtag sat in the top 5 on Twitter. Today, it sat in the first place because of the incident the night prior. Lance audibly groans upon seeing this. He was well aware of what that word met. He regrettably clicks on the hashtag and gets greeted with a feed of fan cams from last night. He glances at his sleeping boyfriend before turning the volume on his phone up a notch. Clicking on the first video he hears his boyfriend'ss voice in almost low-quality audio.  

"- You're not gonna tell us about them?"

"Uh, correction, her."

"Okay, okay... So, what is SHE like?"

"Well, she's a bit of a hot head sometimes, but she makes up for it in bed, if you catch my drift."

A single thought lingers in Lance's brain, It was so obvious that I was talking about him.

Keith stirs next to Lance and he promptly turns the volume off. Not wanting to wake the other up, Lance sticks to just reading captions. He finds a whole news article on a k-pop fan blog and decides he's already deep enough into the hole. He of course clicks it and is greeted with a short-ish article about fan's speculation of the pair's relationship along with multiple pictures. Scrolling to the comments causes the overwhelming feeling of dread to fill the Cuban-American. 

'Can we just talk about how LBL was all up on Akira after that one song? Like, he was practically leaning on him!' 

'Ik rite? Also, Akira totally blushed after that comment about being good in bed!'

'lmao, when are they gonna come out? they're so obvi xD'

'LBL is notorious for being an airhead! Akira perfectly described him.'

'He did?'

'YES! he literally said, "He's way too outgoing, an airhead, a clutz, a flirt, and overall an idiot,". If tht's not obvi to who it is, idk wat is!'

'lolololololol. their so dating'

Lance closes the tab and shakes his head. Turning off his phone and setting it on his chest he lets out a groan, "Fuuuuuck."

Keith stirs a bit, making some noise, causing Lance to go completely still. He steadies his shaky breath before getting up and heading into the small bathroom. Flick the light on, he turns the tap on and splashes some water in his face. 

"Why did we have to say all of that..?"

Grabbing the hand towel, Lance wipes off his face and looks up into the mirror at his reflection. He notices Keith is behind him, arms crossed, hair a mess, leaning against the doorway.

"You okay?" The Korean asks with a yawn.

"Yeah, yeah..." Lance makes eye contact for a moment in the mirror before looking down at the sink, "I'm fine."

Keith raises a brow, sleepily, "You sure?"

Turn around and leaning on the sink, Lance keeps his gaze glued to the ground, "Yeah."

Keith studies the other's face for a moment. He can tell Lance is lying, "Positive?"

"Yes," Lance says, pushing past his partner, "Now, quit asking."

Keith furrows his brow, "I'm not an idiot, Lance."

"I never said-"

"I can tell you're lying," Keith continues, turning to Lance, "I know you're upset about something."

Lance freezes. Tense, he tries to let out some air from his inflated lungs, "Can we not do this right now?"

"Do what?" Keith asks, "I just want you to talk to me; tell me what's wrong."

"Nothings wrong, I just... I- I don't know."

Keith looks Lance up and down, "You don't know?"


"Be real with me for a second," Keith says, "Is it that you really don't know, or are you just afraid to tell me?"

"I-" Lance looks up for a moment, in thought.

Sighing, Keith uncrosses his arms and licks his lips, clearly upset, "Fine. So, that's how it's gonna be."

"Keith, I-" Lance turns and looks at Keith.

"No," Keith holds his hand up as a sign for Lance to stop, "Just... stop."

Lance runs a hand through his hair, and lets out a sigh, "I think we need to come clean."


"You know what I mean." Keith raises a brow, confused, and still a little upset. Lance takes that as a cue to continue, "I have to spell it out for you?"

Keith nods.

"It's obvious that we're together, especially after last night," He looks down, "I seen the fan's posts. The articles, photos, videos... everything. It's like we're not even trying to hide it anymore."

"You realize that this is going to change your life, right? That this goes against EVERYTHING that you've been holding onto."


"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Lance shakes his head no. He really isn't sure. He knows a lot of his fans want them to confirm their suspicions. He knows this could give them more publicity. But he also knows this could go south FAST. 

Keith reaches up and caresses the other's cheek, "Whatever you decide on, I'll be with you every step of the way, okay?" He says with a soft smile. 



Short chapter today, sorry. But like, I'll try to get another one out today. Also, any spelling mistakes in the like fan comment thingy was intentional, so don't come for me. I'm making this authentic y'know. Plus it hurt me just as much as it hurt all of yall.

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