Klance Marriage Shit Post

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My draft for the next part got deleted sooo yeah... Also thanks to your peoples on snapchat. Without ya'll I dont think this shit post would be alive.

(I'm writing this on my phone at like 1am soooo ig might contain a shit ton of spelling errors. And its gonna be illiterate style aka ROLEPLAY STYLE cuz it's late and it's a shit post.)


Romelle: I've done some more research on Earthling's culture. I noticed that you all like to reminisce of the past with funny and cool stories! So I'd like to give it a try with you all! I hope none of you are opposed to this!

*all the paladins, coran and SPACE DAD agree*

Romelle: Who'd like to go first?

Pidge, grabbing Lance's arm and raising it up: Lance volunteers as tribute!

Lance: Wait- What- Pidge NO!

Romelle, clapping her hands together and smiling: Alrighty!

Lance, sighing in defeat: Alright, Alright....

*few minutes pass of lance trying to pick one of his many stories*

Pidge: Omg, just pick one already!

Hunk: Buddy, don't hurt yourself. Just go with something funny... *remembers a funny garrison story* Lance! Tell us about that one time in the Garrison when everyone thought you were married to Keith!

Lance, blushing and smiling: Um.. I don't remember that-

Keith: How the fuck do you not remember?!  It was all that people talked about for months!

Allura: It seems that Keith remembers. Why not tell the story? It sounds like it's interesting!

-Flashback to the Garrison-

Young Keith: God I hate that kid!!! What's his name Taylor or something??

Shiro: I think his name is Lance but go on..

Keith: I don't care what his name is!! I hate him! Him saying I'd be stuck as a cargo pilot! Yeah right!

Shiro: I think was just messing with ya'. Don't take it too personally..

Some kid: *was listening*

Same kid: *next day seeing lance and keef argue* I swear they're like an old married couple..

Kids friend: frt.. honestly I wish they'd just kiss already

*klance fighting in the background*

Same kid: OMG

friend: wut?

Kid: what if they are married??? Like their parents set them up???

Friend: Holy shit dude ur right

Kid: IKR???

*the next week*

Some random kid: Hey Kogane!

Lance: ???

Keith: yeah..?

Kid: not u ur husband

Lance and Keith: ??????!!!!! *exchange looks*

Kid: anyways kogane *starts talking to lance*

Keith, under his breath: ....wtf...

-end of flashback-

Romelle, confused to why people are laughing: So, some children thought you too were in a prearranged marriage?

Keith, letting out a soft chuckle: Yep...

Hunk, tearing up from laughing: it was hilarious! The whole school was calling them Mr. And Mr. Kogane for months!

Romelle: I don't get why that's so funny?-

Lance: Thank you!

Romelle: -I would think it'd be an honor seeing how well you two work together.

Pidge, wheezing a little: They work together now but back then, oh my lord they were literal enemies! It was amazing!

Hunk: Everytime Lance was called Kogane his face was priceless!

Lance: Imagine being called your rival's bane multiple times every day! You'd be disgusted too!

Pidge: Oh, you loved every second of it!

Lance, blush starting to dust across his face: I did not!!

Pidge, smirking: uh-huh!!! Surrrrreee!!! Whatever makes you sleep better at night!

Lance, blushing: Shut up Pidge!

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