Chapter 16: Love Of My Life

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Taehyung POV

I watch worriedly with Hoseok hyung as Jungkook and Yoongi hyung finish up shooting for their scene of the new music video. It's the last bit of the video that we needed recorded and to say that everyone's been trying to avoid shooting their scenes with him would be an understatement.

Literally, we've had to go to I think four different locations today just so that we could get all of the shots that he's in recorded. And we'd already been to three of those places.

"Cut!" The video director yells. Yoongi hyung shoves Jungkook away and accidentally into the wall that he'd had to throw him against for the scene as he stumbles slightly.

"Get the fuck away from me!" He shouts angrily before storming off. I quickly step to the side so that I'm out of his way to leave the filming scene.

Once he's disappeared around the corner, Hoseok and I quickly hurry over to Jungkook to make sure he's okay.

"Are you alright, Kookie?" Hobi asks worriedly as he wipes a bit of blood away from the corner of his mouth. Jungkook nods with a heavy sigh.

"We have to do something about him. It might've been that he's supposed to act like a heartbroken drunk, but he really is drunk and still not remotely over her or Jimin's words." He tells us softly as we begin to walk away from the film site. I nod in agreement.

"Yeah. I thought I'd smelled alcohol on his breath earlier, but I wasn't sure." I agree.

"I don't know what we're supposed to do though. You heard what Jimin said. She doesn't want to ever see him again. And I can't entirely blame her for what he did. I don't know how he's supposed to fix that or how we can help him. That's what these videos were supposed to be for. To help show how much he's missed her." Hoseok informs us.

"I don't know how he's supposed to fix it either, but for fucks sake, he's got to do something. What he's doing now isn't helping anything at all. All he's doing is hurting us. He's got to go talk to her and see what he can do to make things right though. This can't keep going on much longer." I respond.

"Yeah but the girls said she won't talk to anyone. Saeron said she'd gone over at one point to try and talk with her, and she wouldn't even open the door to let her in. She ended up talking to Jae who told her that she's hardly spoken to anyone. She hardly even speaks to the five of them as it is and they aren't too sure how much she's been eating either. She's really not handling things well." Jungkook enlightens us. I frown at the new information.

"No shit she's not handling it well. She hardly managed to handle losing him the first time he left her. What more do you expect from her this time?" Jimin scoffs as he passes by us to go to his dressing room.

"Jimin, you're not helping anything either for that matter." Hoseok tells him. Jimin stops in his tracks as he turns back to us with a glare.

"What do you mean?" He questions, his voice tight.

"I mean you've only been making things harder. The way you've been treating and speaking to Yoongi is not helpful, nor respectful. Regardless of what he's done, he's still your hyung. He's having a hard enough time with this without you torturing him and disrespecting him to add." Hoseok answers with a frown.

"He did it to himself." He responds softly before walking away.

All three of us sigh as Jimin disappears into his room before we enter into Hobi's room. Jungkook and I flop onto the couch in his room while he sits down on the spinning chair.

"I don't think anything's going to change for either of them until he goes and talks with her." I tell them honestly. Hobi nods.

"That may be, but there's no way he'd even get through Jae first. Do remember how against it he was just when she first started hanging around us? Even when we'd only just first spoken to her? Two weeks. Two weeks of them being together that he was okay with before Yoongi left her and broke her heart the first time. The five of them are extremely protective over her. At this point? I don't know that he'd even be allowed to step foot in that house." Jungkook explains.

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