Chapter 10: Please Stop Leaving

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Yoongi POV

Running a hand through my hair, I knock on the door to the boys dorm. I have no idea how much longer it's going to be before I can come back here to stay...

When the door opens, Jimin is stood on the other side with an unhappy expression on his face. I give him a confused look, but he doesn't say anything as he walks away from the doorway. Sighing, I step inside and close the door behind me, finding the girls here as well and not a single person in the room appearing to be in a decent mood.

"Hyung, you've got some explaining to do." Namjoon says with a sigh, sat next to Saehyun on the couch with his arm wrapped around her shoulder while she glares at me.

"I'm guessing the girls have already talked with Annie then..." I half question as I sit down on the floor with my back against the wall due to our limited room in the area.

"She came straight here knowing we'd already be here. You're a fucking idiot." Saehyun snaps quietly. I sigh, nodding my head as I play with my ear in nervousness.

"I never meant that I was going to leave her. It's not like I really have much a choice, but even if I did, I wouldn't do that..." I tell them softly as I keep my gaze down at the floor in front of me.

"How could you say that? You really think she'd believe that even if you told her?" Saeron questions, seemingly angrily. I frown as I look up at her where she's sat next to Jungkook who's got his own arm thrown over her shoulders as she leans into his side.

"What do you mean?" I ask quietly, not understanding.

"You left her five years ago when you had the choice of staying with her or leaving. And you chose to leave her. The only one, mind you, that ended their relationship out of four. Hyejin and Wonpil are still going strong and doing well. You've known how our two relationships have been doing.

"You're the only one who ended things. With probably the most sensitive and unknowingly fragile one of all four of us. Not only did you leave her but you made it look easy to leave her and as if you'd forgotten all about her. She wouldn't believe in a million years that you hadn't meant your words in a way that you wouldn't really actually leave her. Especially with the opportunity granted." Saehyun answers.

"Did it really look that simple? It was the hardest thing I'd done yet in my life at the time, having to leave her." I argue sadly.

"Yoongi, you didn't even glance back at her. You never brought her up whenever we'd come over. You ended things with her, turned and walked away, and seemingly never looked back, both literally and figuratively." Saeron says with an eye roll.

"The only reason I didn't look back one last time at the airport was because I knew if I did, that I'd have given everything up. That I would've stayed. I wouldn't have been able to come here with the others. I only ended things because I thought it was what was going to be best for the both of us. That way she wouldn't have to hurt as much and worry about me and worry about seeing me, and I could focus on everything going on here without worrying about her." I explain quietly, lowering my gaze.

"That's something that you should've discussed with her. You shouldn't have tried to make the call of what would be best for the both of you on your own. You have no fucking clue just how much pain you put her through. You have no idea the kind of damage you did by leaving her and never once checking on her, by acting like she no longer meant anything to you." Saehyun informs me, shaking her head.

Just then, soft noises start sounding from somewhere in the dorm. Saehyun's eyes widen at the sound as it grows louder before bolting up from her spot next to Namjoon and running off back towards the bedroom area. Jimin and Taehyung rush after her worriedly before I finally get my ass up and follow after them.

They all quickly rush into the bedroom and I hang back in the doorway as I watch. My eyes widen in surprise at the sight before me, with Annie laying on the bed where I slept when I was staying here. As she lays there with her eyes tightly squeezed shut, she's panting as she tosses and turns on the bed, yelping out quietly occasionally as she does so.

"Annie! Annie, love, come on. It's okay. Come on, Annie. You gotta wake up." Saehyun tries to reason with the sleeping girl, shaking her shoulder gently. However, Annie seems to freak out at the touch.

All I can do is watch in fear and worry, as the three of them try desperately to wake her up. After what's probably been a good five minutes, she finally jolts awake with wide fearful eyes. Shaking and crying, she's a complete mess as she tries to keep her distance from the three of them while staring fearfully dead straight ahead at the wall that's in front of her, hardly a complete meter away from me.

Not being able to take it any longer, I bite my lip as I hesitantly move over towards where the other three are. Worry for the sweet girl still coursing through me, Saehyun gives me a disapproving look while the two maknaes give me their own worried looks. However, the three of them step back to make room for me in the crowded area of the small bedroom as I reach her side.

Taking a nervous breath, I carefully sit down on the bed next to her, facing the same way as her. It's almost as if she still hasn't completely woken up yet as she continues to watch the wall, crying and shaking.

Biting my lip once more, I lift my hand and gently place it on her back. She seemingly flinches at the action, looking like she wants to pull away from my touch but not doing so. Though, one thing for sure is that she starts crying harder.

I don't say anything though, rubbing her back gently as she occasionally flinches away from my touch. After a few minutes of doing that, I move my hand to run my fingers through her short hair. She takes a sharp breath at the change, but eases a bit as well.

"I don't want to go back to sleep." She murmurs softly as her eyes flutter shut, hanging her head forward a bit. It reminds me of the day she passed out in school, scaring the hell out of me.

"You really do need to get some sleep." I whisper softly from behind her. She just closes her eyes for a moment as she leans her head back against my chest.

"It's nothing but torture for me. It scares me to sleep." She tells me quietly.

"I told you, Annie. I'll protect you." I remind her gently, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She sighs in response.

"You don't even know what you'd be attempting to protect me from." She informs me. I just kiss the top of her head.

"I know you don't want to, baby, but you need your sleep." I whisper softly, my voice hardly audible in fear of scaring her. I don't think she fully realizes that I'm the one beside her at the moment, but either way, I don't want her to move at the moment.

"No... Reality is bad enough as it is, sleep is much worse though. You said you weren't going to leave and yet that's all you seem to do. I don't want to sleep..." She mutters, closing her eyes as a tear slips slowly down her cheek before resting her head on my shoulder.

Hearing the raw emotion in her tired voice breaks my heart. The pain and exhaustion that she doesn't bother to hide behind a seemingly strong facade, it causes my heart to just shatter into pieces right there. Looking up at the three others in the room, Jimin and Taehyung give me sympathetic looks while Saehyun stands there with arms crossed but a pained look on her face as she watches us.

"Get some rest, babe. I've told you before. I'll protect you. Please, just sleep right now, Annie. We can talk things out later, babe. I'm sorry for earlier." I tell her gently, reaching over and wiping the tear from her face as I continue playing with her hair.

Surprisingly though, she pulls away, laying down a bit as she rests her head on my lap. As surprised as I am, I force myself to continue playing with her hair in attempt to help her fall back asleep.

"Please stop leaving me and hurting me, Yoongi. I don't know what I did, but whatever it is, I'm sorry..." She mumbles softly, curling herself up into a small ball. I frown at her words, but don't say anything as I feel her breathing begin to slow and regulate.

I stay for a few minutes longer to make sure she's asleep before carefully moving out from under her, replacing myself with a pillow and pulling a blanket up over her body. A quiet sigh escapes my lips as I turn away from her, following the other three out of the room slowly.

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