Chapter 15: You Don't Have To

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Yoongi POV

Crumpled on the floor sobbing, I just want to give up at this point. I feel like shit. I feel like hell. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm a fucking idiot.

"Why'd you do it, hyung?" Taehyung asks quietly after a few minutes. Attempting to find the words to explain, I only end up crying harder. I don't care that our staff can see me. I don't care that all of the boys and the girls are watching. I couldn't care less at this point.

So close to the one thing I've wanted all along without knowing it, and I fucked even that up. I'm pathetic. Promising her I'd wait as long as she needed and she finds me like this.

"I ... I didn't initiate anything. She - the stylist - she came on me. I ... I don't know... I knew it was wrong... But... It was something and I... goddamn it, I just needed to feel something for once again. We didn't even do much... I'm such a fool." I manage out through sobs.

"Just kissing was too much, hyung. Not to mention you ended up shirtless and I imagine she must've as well." Hoseok scolds gently.

"Fucking I know that! I know that, okay?! I know I fucked up! I know I've probably just lost the best fucking thing that's ever happened to me! I get it, okay?!" I scream out, sobbing even harder.

I soon end up curling myself up into a small ball as I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on the tops of my knees with my arms wrapped around my legs. I just sit there, sobbing my heart out knowing that I really did probably lose her for good this time. I've ruined everything...

Jimin POV

Biting my lip worriedly, I head to the stairs knowing she wouldn't have bothered with the elevator. I'm extremely worried about her at this point. I can't believe hyung would do that to her.

Jin had told me yesterday about some of the scarring on her body that he'd seen, letting me know that if I ever needed to talk things through with someone or started feeling like that again, that I could go to her. That she'd understand where I'm coming from better than anyone.

Knowing that she's tried it before only makes me even more worried about her, makes me more protective over her. She saved my life. That's something that I don't know if I could ever repay her for.

When I finally reach the bottom of the building, I don't take more than two steps outside before I find her. She's only a short bit away from where I'm stood now, collapsed to the ground sobbing.

I quickly rush over to her, sitting down on the ground beside her and pulling her into me. She resists only momentarily, long enough to realize that it's just me before falling against me and continuing to cry.

Hushing her softly, I just sit there rubbing her back and comforting her. I don't even bother trying to say anything, not knowing what there is I could say right now. I'm pissed at Yoongi for doing this to her.

I don't know how long we sit here like this for before she finally starts to calm down slightly. I just continue comforting her and holding her though, worried of what she'd do if I stopped and let go.

"I... I'm an idiot, Jiminie. I should've known I was too late. That I'm not enough anymore." She murmurs softly, sniffling occasionally. I shake my head at her.

"No. Don't you dare begin to think like that, Annie. He's the idiot. Not you. He has no idea what he's messed up. You deserve so much better than that, Annie. Please don't start doubting yourself like that." I tell her firmly.

"I should've known though. I've not seen him for the last few days since you guys started filming for the first music video. He's not spoken or even looked at me for the last week." She whispers. I frown, running my fingers through her hair.

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