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Seeing you dancing with Lina tonight was so right. You deserve each other. She makes you happy, Daniel. And she's made mistakes, but don't you think everybody deserves a second chance ? We're still young. We're allowed to make mistakes, even though that doesn't excuse her. What does excuse her though, is that you love each other, genuinely. Why she did what she did, that is for you to sort out.

As for me, I am grabbing my second chance before it's too late.

I love you, Daniel. I always will.

But I think we will both agree that it would be a mistake to continue like this. A mistake not worth making.
You know I don't believe in love at first sight, nor in destiny. But I do believe in passion, and meaning. I believe that we are meant to be together, but in a different way than we thought.

Do you remember that night, up on the building roof, looking at the stars, thinking nothing and no one could separate us, as long as they were there ?

But did you know that stars die ?

That may sound sad, though truly, I think it's beautiful.
And do you know why?
Because before dying, they shine. They shine all the time.

The sun has a purpose : to light up the day and keep us warm.
But any scientist would say that stars don't have any purpose except that they guide us.
That's wrong.

Stars make us dream. Stars make us wonder.

But most of all, stars make us believe.

I want to be a star. I want to shine, every minute of every hour, until I die.

We may never see each other again, Daniel. But I want you to know that we will always be together.

So whenever you look up at the stars, think about the girl with the pink afro you once fell in love with. And whenever I look up at the stars, I will think about the boy with the little penis (apparently, though i will never be able to prove that) that i once fell in love with.

Forever yours,


P.S. : And this will be the last time you get to witness me being cheesy.

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