6 | Natasha

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I hate lying. It's really what can destroy the purest feelings. But... Did I have a choice ? Yes.
Again : damn.
I'm lucky Daniel gave me his number. I take out the paper from my bag and unfold it. To my great dismay, it's empty. How could that be ??? Sh*t ! Panicked, I look back through the taxi window, trying, with false hope, to find him. But it's too late. I'm surrounded by a sea of the yellow New York taxis. Why are there so much ? I start hyperventilating, something I discovered at my mother's death. This can't be possible. This can't be. We only barely found each other, and now, I've lost him AGAIN!? I'm about to ask the driver to stop and go back, but he speaks up first.

"We're here, miss."

I look out the window. We are parked right outside a huge, modern villa, on a street with huge, modern villas. I thank the drive and pay him, then I ring the doorbell. Is this really Ben's house ? He never told me he was rich... After a few seconds, a maid opens the door. She takes my coat and shows me the way. Ben is standing in the living room, pouring himself some gin. He looks up at me and smiles.

-Natasha ! You're here ! How was your ride ? he asks me after a quick kiss.
- Uh, good... Tell me, Ben ? Is this your house ?
- Yes, of course ! Isn't she beautiful ? Built in 1974, from a great architect. The furniture and decorations, chosen for me by a excellent inside designer, or whatever they call them. I have to admit, I had a little affair with her, but it meant nothing !

While he goes on and on about his property, I ask myself where has gone to the Ben I knew, back in Jamaica. The humble, cultivated, intelligent Ben. What the heck happened? I decide to be honest and ask him directly why he changed so much. He looks down and murmurs :

- Well, people change, Natasha. But, you still love me, right ?
- Um, well,... yes, yes.

And there I go lying again.
No, I hate men who have to have money to feel powerful and strong. The guys you have to tell them what they want to hear to obtain anything. This is not good. How will I explain it to him ? I start raking my brain for any ideas. I look out the window, searching for inspiration. A familiar silhouette disappears.  What...? Daniel ?
Something Ben says catches my attention, and I turn away.

- ... Move to New York.
- Uh, sorry ?
- You really weren't listening huh ? Whatever, I'll start over.

He kneels in front of me, pulls out a diamond ring from his pocket and asks me, with all the assurance and self-confidence of world :

- Will you marry me ?


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