8 | Daniel

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I have to admit I feel pretty good about myself.

I managed to brilliantly save Natasha from a difficult situation. Heck, I should start acting.

Right now, we are in Ben's lobby where Natasha picks up her stuff, then we head out.

My arm is still around Natasha's shoulders while I talk about today.

- You were really stucked there huh, Natasha? I'm glad I could help, really, because that was some fucked up situation ! I hope I wasn't a very bad actor, y'a know, that would've been embarrassing.

Natasha is silent. Way too silent. One look at her convinces me to take my arm off her and makes my confidence and pride disappear.

(In the future, please say something when I'm being an idiot.)

- Uh, right, so... Listen, Natasha, I'm sorry for interfering like that, it wasn't my place. I know you could've taken care of the situation alone, but when I saw you there, I just... I just didn't think. I was angry and jealous and panicked. I don't know why --


Whoops. That doesn't sound good. Natasha isn't looking at me, but I can tell thanks to the vibes she's sending me that she's mad. Very mad.

-Yeah ?

You can't miss the fear in my voice.

- What the HECK, Daniel ?!

- Uh...

- WHY did you do that ?!?

- I'm sorry, Natasha, I didn't think it would --

- Well, YES, you didn't think ! Don't you realize the situation I'm in now ?

She's looking at me with tears in her eyes, pure anger and panic twisting her features to a face I had hoped I would never see again.

- What is it, Natasha?

- Where am I supposed to stay ? I was counting on Ben for a home, a place to live.

- But you can stay at my place anytime !

- That's not it, Daniel. I'm not going back to Jamaica. I've finished school and I'm studying here.

- Really ? You are ? But that's great !

- Daniel, you still don't get it.

- No... ?

- It's been a hard decision, don't you see that ? It means leaving my homeland, my family and the place my mother loved.

- Right. You're right. I'm sorry, I say again, hanging my head. I've only been a dickhead tonight.

- Yes, you have ! She says, laughing.

The sound makes my heart dance in delight and my head flood with sappy thoughts. Relief washes over me. God, I just want to hold her against my chest and never let go. The next thing I'm proposing is dangerous, the temptation may be to strong, but I can't help myself.

- Natasha, would you like to stay at my flat till you find a good place to live ? I've got a spare room, since my roommate left, and I wouldn't mind some company. Especially if it's yours, I add, suddenly shy like a little boy.

- You sure ? She asks me, squinting her eyes like she knows what I'm thinking.

- Yes.

After a moment she finally answers :

- Well, okay. Thank you.

I'm so happy I start bouncing around her like a dog, what makes her laugh again.

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