14 | Natasha

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The next day in the car to Charles’ wedding, the air is thick. Daniel’s stubborn gaze is constantly fixing the road, not once saying a word. I can see that he’s troubled and still very mad. He’s frowning and his hands grip the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles gradually turn white. He’s been like that since yesterday. I glance at him from time to time, worried and trying something to say. But nothing comes.

We soon park in front of a huge mansion surrounded by enchanting woods. The scenery is magical. Not much can impress me, but this is so beautiful, I don’t know how Daniel stays oblivious to it. It is more like a castle, with its cremy white towers and walls, it’s inner courtyard and climbing pink roses. The golden gate opens in a slow, almost royal movement. I look around me, completely overwhelmed by the greatness of the place. 

-You may want to close your mouth…
We’re here, Daniel says, openly mocking my bewilderment.

If it wasn’t for his words, I would have been delighted at the fact that he was talking again.
Instead, I grind my teeth, trying to mask my annoyance. 
We enter in a big reception room, already full of well-dressed guests. Insecurity seeps in me, making me regret my simple choice of clothing. I feel dizzy with all the fake smiles and sparkly drinks. This certainly isn’t my world… Daniel, through, fits perfectly.

Suddenly, an elegant and poised woman steps in front of us. Her straight blonde bob is decorated with a delicate sapphire broche. Her make up is quite light and enhances all of her glamorous features perfectly. 

“You’re not paparazzi, are you ?” She asks suspiciously, raising her nude lips in a questioning pout. 

“ No ! Answers Daniel grumpily. I’m Charlie’s brother. And you must be Coco.”

My head whips around at this. So this is Coco Delude ! She smiles sweetly and that smile darkens my mood immediately. Daniel extends a friendly hand and Coco grabs it reluctantly.

« Daniel ! Such a pleasure ! She says, in a very fake way. I’ve heard a lot about you ! Even though it wasn’t exactly positive… »

Daniel is visibly caught off guard by the end of her sentence, though it makes me chuckle. This catches Daniel’s attention. He turns to me, presenting me as his escort. I smile kindly and extend my hand too, but Coco barely glances at me. Instead, she turns around and encourages us to follow her.

« Let me show you your room, she says. »

We push our way through the crowd. I try my best to avoid stilettos and glasses of champagne.

« What does she mean with ‘our rooms’ ? Daniel ? » I ask, starting to feel uncomfortable.

« We’ll be staying here for the night, he answers. »

« Excuse me !? »

« Natasha, he starts, glancing at me warningly, did you really think they would just kick us out after the party ? It’ll most likely end in the morning, they can’t expect us to just drive home. Besides, I’m sure most of us will be too drunk or tired, or both, to go anywhere near a car. »

I sigh at his reasoning.

« I guess. But Daniel… I don’t feel right here. »

He glances at me again, in a way that makes me feel stupid.

« Natasha, I can’t exactly just leave. It’s my brother’s wedding. Just stay in the room. »

I can’t believe my ears. What happened ? Since yesterday with Lina, Daniel’s been acting so weird. He just isn’t the same anymore. 

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