12 | Daniel

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"I cheated on him."

Her words pierce my heart and open the wound barely healed again.

"Yes, you did. And not halfway."

I don't know what's happening to me, I've never felt like this. I didn't know I had so much hurt and anger and hate in me. I'm not seeing clearly, blinded by my emotions. My hands are gripping the table so firmly, I could break in two if I wanted to. My whole body is shaking.

I manage to control myself when I see Natasha's shocked expression. I let slowly go of my anger and aggressiveness, and concentrate on the bitterness, on the deep hurt that I feel raging in me. It has a bigger power than hate.

I relax. Then, when I'm sure that I'm calm enough, I turn to Lina, who is even more scared than before. Good. She deserves it.

I say coldly :

"Tell her what you did, Lina."

I spit the name, letting my anger out again. When I realize my mistake, it's too late. Lina snaps out of her  scared and ashamed attitude and immediately looks at me with hurt and anger in her big brown eyes.

"Why don't you tell her, huh, Daniel ? Yes, I cheated on you, but what did you do ?"

She turns to Natasha, not waiting for my reaction.

"Your friend - boyfriend, whatever - isn't the only victim here. He seems to forget his faults a little too easily. I came here to apologize and move on, but apparently he's still stuck in the past," she says, disgust dripping from her voice.

That's it, I can hold back anymore. Putting Natasha in this isn't fair.

"Shut up ! I yell, standing up while slamming my hands on the table and in the process spilling my cup of coffee. By now the whole cafe is enjoying the scene. Yes, I'm stuck in the past, but guess what ? It's because of YOU ! Because you fucking cheated on me ! So stop making this all about you !"

I can't take it anymore. I take my stuff and pull Natasha out of the cafe.
Last thing I see is Lina's hurt face with tears streaking down her cheeks.

But I don't care.

Not anymore.

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