11 | Natasha

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- So... Start over please ?

Lina laughs at my bewilderment.

We are all sitting in a cafe, near the karaoke where Daniel and I first kissed. Just the memory makes me shiver.
Lina is sitting in front of us, joyful and bubbly. She isn't dumb or plastic like all blond beauties in fictions.
She isn't perfect.
Sure, her Colgate smile and suntanned skin are really in her favor, but a few scars streak her face from her teenage years and her petite silhouette isn't in the norms of Barbie Girl.
And that just makes me hate her even more.
I can see by Daniel's silence, uncommunicative look and furrowed brows that he has a love past with her. And not just anyone...
If she was the stereotype of the bad girl, I would have a legitimate reason of hating her. But she isn't.
I can fully understand Daniel's attraction. She's perfect for him.

So I hear she writes books that denounce sexism and dangerous situations of children in the world - her words. She teaches English to immigrants.
She occasionally writes poems too and studies English and French literature.

If she wasn't my rival, I would have  loved listening to her and her accomplishments, but in this situation I just feel sick and self-conscious.
I can tell Daniel fell for her because of her generous and optimistic spirit, kind smile and melodic voice, her smart thinking and big knowledge.

How do I know all that although I just met Lina ?

Her faults.

One : She's gourmand. Very. I mean, Daniel and I have only had a cup of coffee, while she's already at her third piece of strawberry shortcake. Usually I'm not that disdainful about big eaters, but...
I guess that what you call jealousy.

Two : she's very blunt. Yes, honesty is good, but there are limits. Like telling someone she looks like a poodle because of her hair for example.

Three : she talks a lot. That is how I know so much about her in so little time. She flat out told me - a complete stranger - everything about her and her projects. And - the most annoying thing of all - all about her story with Daniel.

Four : which makes her very naive. I could steal her ideas and plans and claim them mine if I wanted to. I wouldn't do that, but I could.

My train of thought is interrupted by Daniel as he says, disgust dripping from his voice :

"Now that you've told Natasha all about our love story, are you gonna stop making it sound like it was perfect and tell her the truth about why I left you ?"

I can feel the atmosphere getting tense after his words. He stares at Lina, a cold and furious look in his eyes, a look I have never seen before. But I am happy I'm not at the receiving end of it. It makes Daniel intimidating. Uncomfortable, I watch as Lina lowers her gaze, obviously not proud of herself. A year rolls down her cheek and falls in her water, causing it to ripple. I have the feeling the whole world stopped turning, waiting silently for her response.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she murmurs :

"I cheated on him."

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