Blue Blazer

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A/N: I feel like I gave you guys such shitty chapters so I'm going to try to make this one as good as I can. By the way, please tell me if you like or hate something because I feel like this book is derailing. That's also why I'm writing this at eleven at night even though I have work tomorrow. (And the award for the most irresponsible person goes to...) Anyways, Enjoy! (P.s Major time jump to Comic con, I AM PRETENDING CLAIRE WAS THERE! *Struts away*)

You barely saw any of Taylor, so just to let you know, I'm not done with him yet. He will occur in the next few chapters and if I ever change my mind about a sequel, he will be in it.

Claire's P.O.V

I sat up from my bed with my hair all tangled up and my face dry as hell. I reached for my phone and answered it, wondering, 'Who would be calling this early in the morning?' My question was answered by a excited voice. "Claire! I have someone I want you to meet and we have to get ready for comic con." I groaned at the thought of walking and talking so much at Comic Con, but then snapped out of it. Phoebe was only excited when she was sad.

"Are you OK?", I asked. I could hear her few sniffles and knew she was trying to hide her sadness. "Scratch that! You don't have to tell me. I'll be there with Nina and Torrey as soon as I can." I heard her gasp and moved my thumb from the end call button

"Just you. I don't want so many people here." I nodded and said OK. Once I ended the call, I braided my straight blonde hair, put on a loose L.A Reckless shirt, and some shorts. My stuff was in a cluster on a table, so I organized it and put it in my bag. Right when I opened the door, I saw Daniel. Instantly, I made a sound of disgust. "You." He rolled his eyes but quickly put on a look of sweetness and tenderness. It was almost believable.

"Claire, I know you're mad, but that girl you saw wasn't my girlfriend." I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Well then who was she?"

"My sister." The amount of embarrassment on my face was indescribable and as soon as Daniel saw it, his lips formed into a sly smile. I put my hands over my chin to my nose. "Its Okay." He walked up to me and put his hands around my waist and smiled sweetly at me. "Just because you accused me of dating my sister, doesn't mean I love you any less." I slapped him on the chest and we both laughed.

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