Our Risk

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A/N: Again, please don't kill me. Please. I'm begging. 

Joseph's p.o.v:

        It was a new day for a new start. No more feeling pain or distractions. I was just going to play poker with Charles. I grabbed my coat and keys. My phone buzzed and I clicked the on button. It was from the least person I wanted to speak to. Phoebe. She wanted me to come over. I text-ed Charles to schedule us in for the afternoon rounds. I drove to Phoebe's time share and saw that the door was unlocked. I was about to twist the knob, but I paused. What if I go in there and end up hurt again. There was a chance I could walk out happy or heartbroken. It was surprising that a woman had this much control over me. No, surprising wasn't a good word for it. Frightening was. I made the decision to go in. I was willing to take a risk and a chance.

        I just wanted something to hold onto. One last lingering taste or real conversation. Something that I could remember our story by. When I got in, I saw that no one was there. I looked around and it was silent. There was a tap on my shoulder and I saw Phoebe with a bright smile. Without any sign she kissed me. She put her hands on my cheeks and mine travelled own her side. She pulled away slowly, savoring every moment. I grinned. "What was that for." She heaved out and came out with "I'm ready. I want to be yours and you to be mine." I pulled her close. It wasn't going to be that easy. Our foreheads touched and I put my hands on her face. She put hers on top to keep them there. "Say it", I said. She looked confused.

        "Say the three forbidden words and you have your wish." She took a deep breath. I was surprised she was going to do it. Both me and her didn't say those words so easily if we didn't mean them. "I-" Her sentence was caught off by my damn phone. It was Persia. She said it was an emergency and to meet her at my place. "I'm sorry, love. We will have to continue this later. I got in my car and rushed over. I hopped it wasn't so important. I actually wanted to finish things up with Phoebe. When I got to the house, Persia looked so shook-en up. I took her inside and darted in.

Phoebe's p.o.v:

        It was early in the morning and the house was empty. I was grateful for it. Usually Claire or Nina is here, and I never have time to myself. I put on a back cut line blouse, jeans, and a pale green cardigan. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Claire and Nina weren't here but they did leave their mark. I had nothing to eat but cream cheese and nothing to drink but stale milk and water. I just decided to skip out on breakfast. I went out to watch TV, but there was a knock on my door. I groaned out. Two minutes of peace. That is all I asked. At my door was a woman with rich curly brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. "You're Torry DeVitto?" She bit her lip nervously and squeezed her hand. Well this was out of the ordinary.

        "I am sorry to just barge in like this. I just wanted to know if you have Paul's address. I know I am his ex and all but I just-" Some tears left her eyes and she began crying. Sympathy rushed through me. I gave her a side hug and invited her in. I sat her down on my couch and made her a cup of coffee. She smiled and took it. "Whatever happened between you and Paul?", I asked. I was an idiot. Why would I ask her that> She is obviously heart broken. She noticed my regret of asking and gave me a reassuring smile. "I am not the type of girl who cries for a guy but I can't help but feel regretful for dumping him. After seeing him with you, I realized I needed to talk to him. I was desperate and lost so I came here. Nina said you would know." I made a mental note to slap Nina later. It was obvious Torrey was in love with Paul, I didn't want to get between that.

        "I'm not into Paul that much anyways. But if you don't mind me asking, why did you dump him?"She rolled her eyes. She was a bit more stable now. She stopped crying and she seemed fine. "I was too dumb and blind to see what was right in front of me." That reminded me of... me. I hated to admit it but she was right. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Is something bothering you." I nodded and scooted closer to her. "There's this guy, Joseph. I left him because I was scared to get hurt. I know it sounds cliche but it's true. I told him that I was scared of people seeing us, but I lied to him and myself. Now I am just confused and lost." Torrey put a hand on my shoulder for support.

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