Numbing a girl

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A/N: OK, I hate hiatus (s) So I am just going to update now because I love this chapter and want you to read it. Enjoy! I am moving a bit faster so keep up with the paste if you can.

Claire's p.o.v:

        Phoebe was missing. They found her car near Grand Central MLK Park but not her. There were no witnesses, nothing. I pushed Joseph back on the chest and glared at him. "This is all your fault. If you didn't sleep with that thing then Phoebe would have never left!" Joseph scoffed and looked at me with disbelief. "Do you think I planned on the pregnancy. I loved Phoebe." I crossed my arms, not believing him. "I think you over stayed your welcome. Goodnight Joseph." I slammed the door in his face and felt him kick the door. He soon left. I saw Nina and Torrey staring at me. Nina walked to the door and grabbed a coat. "And where the hell do you think you're going?" Nina opened the door.

        "To find Phoebe!" She slammed the door and Torrey left soon after. I was alone. While they were looking for Phoebe, I decided to look for the girl who started all of this drama. Persia. I text-ed her to meet me at Phoebe's house. After ten minutes she arrived with a smile on her face. "Claire, how nice to see you. My condolences to you for Phoebe." I rolled my eyes at her fake sympathy. "How's the bum in the tum?", I asked her. At first she looked like she had no idea what I was talking about but then she realized. "Oh! It's fine." Now, I had a gift for telling when people were lying and I knew that she was. It was practically written all over her face.

        "There is no baby is there?" My smile grew and she smirked. She was quite happy for some reason. She put her hands up and sucked in her teeth. "Ahh, you caught me." I raised my eyebrow and leaned against the couch. "Aren't you afraid that I will blab?" She laughed and put her purse down. "You won't." I chuckled. She's kidding right? "And why wouldn't I tell my best friend that the man she loves isn't actually having a baby with a psychotic bitch?"

        "Because if you do, the whole world will know what you did with Daniel Sharman in the back of a restaurant." Horror spread on my face and I gasped. "How do you know about that?" She bobbed her head down and laughed. "Let's just say your ex, Sammy and I are good friends. Goodbye, Claire." She left out the door and I sat down. Everything was becoming dizzy and I was in a dilemma. Someone needed to put Persia in her place, it just wasn't me.

Phoebe's p.o.v: (4 hours earlier)

        There were cuts on my body and my clothes were ripped. It smelled salty and my vision was becoming foggy. Glass was spread all around me and all I could do was cough. Everything was numb. "Hello!", I screamed out, hoping someone would help me. "Somebody help me!" I felt lke I was hanging on the edge off a cliff and if I let go, I would never awake. I saw a shadowy dark figure and fear swept over me. The figure extended it's arm and pulled me out of the car. Black dots swarmed through my vision and he was to blurry to see. At least I think it was a he. I lost balance and fell but he caught me. After that it all went black and the last thing I remembered was being carried in his arms.

        Hours later, I woke up in a motel room and no one was there. I looked around but there was no trace of clothing or anything else. I saw that some fresh new clothes were laid out for me, some pills, and a phone. I looked at my cuts and saw that they were all treated to. I still didn't know who this man was. I sniffed the pills and gulped them down with some water. Oh my God! No one knew where I was. I grabbed the phone and dialed Nina. "Phoebe. Oh my God, are you OK? Where are you?" I itched the side of my head and wondered why she sounded so worried. Did she know? "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm at-" I looked out the window to see the motel sign. "Frank's Motel." She sighed out of relief and answered me. "OK, I'll be there in a bit." The phone call then ended.

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