Cameras are bitches

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A/N:  After this phoseph will be a little absent, Don't hate me next chapter! This is a bit more of a filler.

Claire's p.o.v:

        (1) My mother and sister were out shopping, while I had nothing to do. I decided to text some of the cast and see how their vacations were going. I was just so bored. Phoebe must be really bored, she has nothing to do at the beach house and no one to talk to. I dialed her number to give her some company. She picked up the phone after three rings. I heard water pouring and her humming. "Hey, Phoebe." The humming stopped and she responded. "Hi Claire, hows your vacation?" I groaned out and plopped on the couch. "Boring, yours?" I could hear her soft laugh and I could picture her smile. "The best vacation"I  heard the water stop and heard faint splashes. "Are you busy, because I can call back later." I figured she was taking a shower or something. She gulped something down and responded.

        (2) "OK, I'll call you later on. Check on Danny for me, will you." I laughed when she mentioned Danielle. "What?", she asked. I decided not to tell her now. "Nothing, I'll tell you after break." She hung up and I stared at the ceiling. Everyone's vacation sounded better than mine. I only had one day left, and then I could go back to work. Oh my God, what has happened to me? I am happy to get back to work. I'm probably going insane now. At that second, I got a call from Julie. She sounded troubled and angry. "Claire, tell the others: As soon as they get back, we have an emergency meeting." I agreed and hung up. What could have Julie, so mad?

        (3) I returned back to my loneliness and went into the kitchen to make a snack. Afterwards I came back inside and went on my laptop. I saw Danielle's video again. Poor girl. Maybe that was why Julie was upset. I scrolled through the comments. Some were funny and some were mean. I wonder if she saw this already. I finally got tired and put on some music. one day and I am home free. Literally.

Phoebe's p.o.v:

       (4)I was sitting on the couch, reading some random book about the 20s. Joseph was in the shower and I had nothing else to do. We have been in this beach house for about six days and it was heaven. To me this was a reward for putting up with all the crap at work. I just felt alive and young right now. But I can't help but feel that something is going to back fire from this week of fun. Until then, I was going to enjoy this. I flipped the page, not paying attention to the book or words and felt my hair being moved to the side. I put the book down, knowing that I would no longer be reading it. 

        (5) A line of sweet kisses coated with skillful nibbling and licks went around my upper back. I tilted my head and let out a moan. Not wanting to go any further, I pulled back and smiled at the culprit of this pleasurable action. "Not now, I want to take a bath", I told Joseph. His eyes lit up and his eyebrows rose. "I can join you, if you want?" Mischief circled around in his blue eyes. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I placed a soft kiss on his lips and backed away. "I think I can manage." He grinned and looked at me with false disappointment to tease me. I put my back to him and headed towards the bathroom. I grabbed a bottle of scotch and didn't bother looking at it. Joseph laughed and I walked in the bathroom.

        (6) I took of my clothes and let the warm water surface. The lighting was low, due to the sunset outside. I tied my hair up and was about to go in, but my phone rang. I jumped up, startled and wrapped a dark red towel around myself. It was Claire. "Hey Phoebe." I smiled and leaned up against the cabinet as the water filled up. "Hi Claire, how's your vacation?" I heard her groan and a smile tugged on my lips. "Boring, yours?" I hummed a bit at the event of this week.The water was reaching the top so I turned it off. "The best vacation." I dropped the towel and got in the tub. I held the phone with my ear and shoulder.  "Are you busy, because I can call back later." I was guessing that she heard the water.

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