Young and Beautiful

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A/N: It took me six hours to write this so please tell me what you think. Also check out my summer take down book: Sk8er boi.

Claire p.o.v

        (1) Julie invited us into the director's room to discuss a new event. As we walked into her office, I noticed Phoebe seemed so happy. She hasn't stopped smiling all day. I smiled. It has been a while since I saw her truly happy. I went to her arm and arm and she looked up to me. "Why are you so chipper?", I asked. She shrugged and glanced over to someone in the crowd. "No reason. It's just a good day." We went into the office and sat down at the circular wood table. Phoebe blushed slightly and looked down, when either Joseph or Daniel looked at her. Most likely Daniel, since she cannot stand Joseph. Julie stood up and smiled brightly at us. She handed us each a flyer.

        (2) "We are throwing a little mid season celebration and the renewal of season 2 and the 100th episode of The Vampire Diaries", Julie exclaimed. Everyone clapped their hands. Both shows have come so far and we had so much to celebrate. Why not throw a party? Once the announcement meeting ended, I went to Phoebe and Nina. "Hey, I'll be right back", Phoebe said. She went out back and I glared at Nina. Ironic, how we hate each other as much as our characters hate each other. What? She tried to steal my best friend and turn her against me. How could I not hate her? I walked away from her and went to my car. I saw Joseph walking around the studio. I leaned against my car door waiting for Phoebe.

        (3) Nina approached me and I stared in disgust. "What do you want?" She cheaply smiled at me and flipped her brown hair while smacking her lips. "Phoebe said we could all go dress shopping, unfortunately she said you were coming." I rolled my eyes and saw a blonde girl come up to us. I tried to contain myself as rage built up in me. Candice was holding Sammy's hand and she pecked him on the cheek. Nina noticed my discomfort and gave me a look of sympathy. There was one person, I hated more than Nina, and it was Candice Accola. The loving couple came up to us. "Claire, hope to see you at the party tonight!", Candice said with a smirk. Candice and I use to be really good friends, I don't know whatever happened. Sammy winked at me and they walked away.

        (4) I felt my heart beating out of my chest. Sammy and I were together for nine years. NINE YEARS! All wasted on some fake little blonde. I thought he was perfect and faithful, I felt so betrayed and used. A tear slid down my cheek and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I saw Nina with a sympathetic smile. "If it helps, he was an idiot for leaving a girl like you. Any guy would be luck to have you." I smiled at her and thanked her. I still hated her, but this was one of those golden moments where we put our rivalry aside and care for each other. Phoebe came out with a ruffled shirt and grin. "You two finally learned to play nice?" She gasped for dramatic affect. "Shocker!" I rolled my eyes and stared at her with curiosity. "And where were you Missy?" She stuttered and ran a hand through her hair.

        (5) "Um... I was uh.. out." I casted her nervous answer aside and rushed both girls into the car. I drove them to my favorite dress shop and my favorite worker there, Francis greeted me in french. He smiled and hugged me. "Claire! Comment allez-vous, vous regardez darling." I nudged him and responded, "Muy bien, merci!" I told him that I needed dresses for me and my friends and he got straight to work. He was so engaged in his work that it made me laugh. He picked out a blue satin Vatori X one strap dress for me, A silver silky Clover dress for Nina, and a red Vatori X blood red strapless dress for Phoebe.

Joseph's p.o.v:

        (6) Phoebe and I gave each other a knowing glance after the meeting and went out to the back. I knew that sex was not a relationship but soon, I would get her to admit that the feelings I have for her are reciprocated. I saw her standing behind the back of the studio and took a second to take her beauty in. She was so breath taking, just by standing. She smirked and I Pushed her against the wall. She gasped and inhaled me. I put my hands on her upper chest and raised her up against the wall. I kissed her soft lips and she pulled away, teasing me. "I am not doing anything with you until after the party." I frowned but then perked up. She placed a kiss on my lips and walked away.

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