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David didn't kill himself. Of course, he attempted to then, but he didn't die. I led him to the apartment, which was miraculously still in my custody. Slowly, we learned to live normally. Well, as normally as possible. Often, David spent his time just looking out the window. Sometimes just lying around. We didn't talk at all during the first few days. Then, slowly, he started to speak. He didn't say a lot, but we began to have longer conversations. I didn't realize it at first, but we started bonding. Bonding over mutual pain. I fortunately managed to get a job where I don't have to leave the house a lot. I have to be at home with David a lot. Who knows what he'll try otherwise. I don't know if we can consider each other friends. I'm not even sure if we can fully stand each other. All I know is that we coexist peacefully. We live in the same place. We eat the same food. We speak about the same things. As long as I know that, I'm at peace. After a month or two of him just staying in the house, he went outside for the first time. We went to the graveyard. My mom's grave was beside my dad's now, respectfully. "Dad? Mom?" I began slowly. "It's been a year and a half, at least. It's summer now. All of my friends are dead. Oh, and remember that guy that I said was stalking me?" I smiled. David was playing around with his thumbs, not listening. "Yeah, he lives with me now. I spent a year and a half in two different asylums, I killed two people, and I'm basically everything you told me not to be. I'm not a respectful human being. I didn't finish school, or any actual form of education, so I'm lucky to even have a job, let alone a good one. Most of all, I think I disappointed you, and I'm sorry, but I hope that it's ok with you two. I have a decent roommate who doesn't do anything to contribute to paying taxes, or pay for food, but he's good enough for a conversation. Well, I hope you're alright with having a disappointment of a daughter." I smiled.

"'Decent'? What more could you possibly want? You have a perfect roommate!" David laughed as we were walking away from the graveyard. I joined him.

"I haven't seen you do anything around the apartment lately!" I threw back.

"What would I be able to do? I'd probably break something along the way!" He shook his head. I laughed, and stopped walking for a second. "Thanks for coming with me." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome." He smiled back. It'd been such a long time since he had smiled and laughed like now. We continued walking until we came to that park. Not much had changed. Actually, I don't think anything had changed. I did, but not many other things seemed to. We sat down on a park bench. "You know what, David?" I asked him.

"What?" I smiled again, but only a bit. I didn't look away from the park, but I answered.

"You didn't turn out too bad."

"Thanks....I think...." I didn't reply. After a while, I leaned on his shoulder as I watched people pass through the park. You know what? I think it's safe to say that, just for now, I can stand having this guy around.

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