Chapter 12

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I struggled, trying to escape from the person's grip, but he held on firmly. He entered into a random room, which I heard from the creaking of a door and the change of direction. I tried even more frantically to loosen his grip, but no luck. He just squeezed tighter. "Ok, now, slowly lower yourself onto the ground, dear." I didn't move. "Ok, then, let's do it my way." He twisted my hand, causing pain to rush through it. I screamed more because of the suddenness than the pain. He returned it to a natural position, and I reluctantly began to sit down, him sitting, too. I was beginning to panic because of this darkness. I hate the dark. I always have. While I know that you shouldn't be afraid of the dark, but of what's in the dark, it's still menacing. The dark is what turns off a sense, and most likely the most important and reliable sense for people. It being cut off is having a person cut off half of your perception. This is why I never want to go blind. "So, now that's more comfortable. See how nice it is when you cooperate?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Good question. Why am I doing this? Well, depends on what. This, as in the situation you're in now? Or this, as the general things that I do?"


"Well, I wanted to talk to you. Simple as that. I haven't been able to catch the right moment, though."

"But wha---"

"It's not enough? Let me ask you. Why do you think I did all of this?" Are you kidding?

"Fine." I sighed. I thought. "A want a constant feeling of terror."

"Good! Very good!" I thought longer.

"That's all." The person sighed, disappointed. 

"Well, here's a little more on the blindfold theory. You don't know what I look like. You don't know where you are. You don't know if I have any weapons. For all you know," He leaned his forehead on the back of my head. "I could kill you right now." A shiver ran through my body. He's right. I could die any second. I straightened my back, trying to look as unmoved as possible. "No need to look proud, you know." I remained straight. "Now I have another question. Why do people do evil things?" 


"No questions. Answers. Think." And so I thought. I'd thought about many things during my time. A year without many things to do. A mind is one's last resort. 

"People do bad things because......" My voice faded, as I tried to think. 

"Yes?" I heard the eagerness in his voice. He wanted an answer. He was really enjoying himself. 

"'s easy." 

"Go on." He urged, but he had a tiny bit of satisfaction in his voice. 

"To be good is a lot of work. You can't just become an angel in the blink of an eye. It takes a lot of time. To be evil.....isn't hard, because the evil in humans is already there. The blood lust of a person......sometimes it's not too hard to find it." He spoke again, satisfied apparently. 

"That's it. You're absolutely right. Everyone, every single person, has that darkness in them. No matter how deep you have to dig, you'll always find it. It's in everyone." With a start, he let go of my wrists and I instantly tore off the blindfold. I turned around to a face that was I didn't recognize at all. "Hello, Alice." He said, a mere few inches from my face. "I'm afraid I have to go now, but thank you for the chat." Then he started walking rather quickly towards the door. 

"Wait!" I yelled. 

"Hm?" he stopped. 

"Wh....what's your name?" He turned around to me, a small smile on his face. 

"The name is James Collin. It would do you good to remember that name." And with those words he started running away. I couldn't follow, though. I was busy thinking about a very important thing. The important fact that I recognized that name.  

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