Chapter 19

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I haven't been near complex machinery in at least a year. It's unbelievable. This machine is a discovery that would earn the inventor any sum imaginable. A machine that allows you to return the soul of a loved one. With development, such a machine could maybe be made with no side effects. But that only exists in movies and---"Alice? Miss Alice!" I snapped back into reality and smiled at Sophie.


"Can....can we please go out? I really don't like it here anymore....."

"Of course, of course!" I assured, as she started walking out of the room, with me following. "I wonder what there is in this entire building?" I thought out loud. There are machines that bring you back to life, and people that want you dead. People who follow others, and people who avoid human company. What is this place exactly?

"There's not much, actually. The machines are the best part of the asylum. Everything else is just stinky old bodies." She turns her nose up, while my stomach twists at the idea. I stare out the window as we walk down the hall. The snow is still falling. I don't know what I expected. Some change, probably. Something that shows to the world that today isn't a normal day. Then I remembered that today is, in fact, a normal day. People die every day. People have to deal with suffering from the deaths of close ones every day. To the world, the one person more or less among billions doesn't matter that much. If we hear in the news that one person died, we think

"Well, that wasn't that much, was it now?" But to the people who were close to this one person, it means everything. We don't acknowledge the pain of those people because, in our minds, hundreds of people die every day, so one more or less isn't that big of a deal. Scream shouldn't be that big of a deal. But he was. He is. There were things I wanted to find out about him. I wanted to know what he had seen. "It's all my fault! Help me out of here!" I winced as I remembered his last words. What was all his fault? He said James showed him pain. Inner pain. I know such pain. That was the pain that tore me apart when my mother died. Having to relive that would be hell. Pure hell. I felt it was my fault that she died back then. I had blamed myself for forcing my pain on others. But it wasn't my fault. It was David's fault. David wants us to be friends? Well, that's just tough. Unless he can work miracles, he ain't gettin' no friends. Every day here seems the same. It's irritating. Wake. Eat. Walk. Eat. Walk. Eat. Sleep. The exact same thing every single day. Granted, it became a lot more interesting with a new fugitive, but interesting does not mean good. I look down at Sophie. She's been living here for a long time, the way I know it.

"Alice? I need to tell you something....." I stop and kneel down to be at her eye level.

"What is it, Sophie?" She frowned and looked down.

"......What's happening?" She asked me, sincerely.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head. She pouts.

"You know what I mean! Something bad's happening, it's easy to see! Scream and Cathy dying, and the signs!" My eyebrows arch.

"What signs?"

"Cathy showed me! Before she left, she told me she's been noticing things. Suspicious things."

"What suspicious things?"

"You shouting at the stranger." My breath stops momentarily. I try not to show it.


"When Cathy was leaving. While she was collecting to leave, she told me what she heard. How do you know the stranger?" I look for an answer.

"He.....He's an old friend." I say. Which is true. I feel bad for lying to Sophie, because even if this was the truth, omitting part of the truth is equivalent to lying. She scowls.

"From where? How does he know you're here?" ..........good does he know I'm here?

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