Chapter 4

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They led me through the forest, but I didn't really trust their sense of direction that much. Whatever they were saying to each other now, I wasn't paying attention. I didn't really say anything during the trip, either. One reason was that I had absolutely nothing to say. I didn't really feel like talking to these people, either. The subject would probably turn back to killing people again. The other reason was that I was absolutely exhausted. From getting dragged out of bed to escape certain death, to trotting through the forest for hours. I looked up at the sky, now empty of ashes, and I began recognizing faint streaks of sunlight in it. All night! I'd been walking through the forest all night! "How much longer?" I asked, trying not to sound out of breath. 

"A few more minutes. Don't worry, little Alice. We aren't lost or anything. The asylum's just really isolated." I yawned. He wasn't lying, though. After a couple of minutes, we reached a path leading up to a broken-down building. It wasn't completely wrecked, but it still looked worse than it had when I had first been there. Ivy and moss was growing out of cracks in the walls, the ivy nearly reaching into the--surprisingly still intact--windows. The door was hanging off of its hinges, and overall the whole place was in a sorry state. 

"Home Sweet Home." Max laughed.

I looked at him, then had a faint memory of what happened last year. There were people in the windows watching me as I left. More than just the three of them, definitely. "Are you and Sophie the only ones here?" I asked. 

"No. There's three more. Macy, Cole, and Scream." Scream? 

"What kind of a name is Scream?" 

"We gave it to him. He doesn't remember much of his past. It's pretty bad. He's also paranoid. Sometimes he just curls up somewhere and screams occasionally. Hence the name. He's not that bad, otherwise. Completely normal, just like you and me." I snorted. That doesn't sound that normal at all. 

"Can I go in?" I asked, shivering slightly. 

"The cold isn't much better inside, but alright. Go ahead." I cautiously stepped through the doorway, and decided to go down the hallway to the left. Then, suddenly, a bloodcurdling shriek rang through the asylum. I jumped, and fell onto the floor. 

"Awe. Little Alice got scared by Scream!" David laughed. That was Scream? 

"Well, get used to it. He's been having his panic attacks a lot lately. Oh, and you were going the wrong way." Max pointed out. Well, no wonder! This place is a maze! I sheepishly followed the two of them in the completely opposite direction.

"Macy! Macy! They're back! And they have miss Alice with them!" I smiled at Sophie's cute little voice. I wondered why she was awake at this hour, though. It's, like, five AM. A woman with scraggly blond hair was lying on a mattress in a rusty bed frame. 

She opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Hello, there. How are you?" She asked, with a Southern accent. 

"A bit tired, but alright. And you?" 

"Exactly the same." She answered as she closed her eyes again. My eyes scanned the room, and I saw something in a corner. Wait, not something, someone. There was a very skinny young boy there, about fourteen. He was curled up on the floor. Scream. I couldn't help staring, my mouth half-open. 

"Why are there so many young people here?" I asked no one in particular. 

"The people in this asylum were mostly younger people, like Sophie, for instance. There were a few people here that were really pretty old. Macy is about twenty-five. She isn't in the asylum for a real reason. She and her younger brother Cole sneaked in here and were able to live in one of the empty cells for a few months, before some of us raided the asylum. They're really good to have around, especially Cole. He's pretty light on his feet, and good at picking locks, so he can steal things. I think that's where he is right now. Getting breakfast." Theft. Murder. Kidnapping. What haven't these people done? "If you want to, you can take that bed over there, Al--" Macy was interrupted by another shriek. Now that I was so near to the source, it seemed at least ten times louder. I smiled at Macy, though my ears were ringing.

"Thanks, Macy. I appreciate it." I threw myself on the bed, and for the first time in months, I fell asleep without a problem.

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