Chapter 18

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"Alice? Alice!" My eyes shot open as I wove my arms around in order to protect myself from anything. Once I realized there was no one there, I sighed. I didn't sleep well. Too much happened. "Nightmares?" Sophie asked me. I nodded. "I didn't have any. Cathy was dominant at the time. She knew something was wrong, so she told me not to look." This is confusing me a lot. Like, she can see, but there are different people, but.....ugh.......I never understood 'DID' that well. It's a weird thing. "Do you want to see the machines?"

"What machines?"

"The machines that Daddy---I mean, Cathy's daddy used to bring her here." I noticed how she referred to him as her Daddy. She won't be letting go of Cathy anytime soon, that's for sure. I smiled at her.

"Yeah. Let's go see them." She sweetly returned my smile, and grabbed my hand, leading/pulling me through a the place. I always thought all the rooms were the same, since I never would have brought up the nerve to explore them. Sophie showed me a door that didn't seem much different from the others. How did they manage the orientation here? It required a little bit of force to open the door, and I doubted that this room was even used for at least a year. The door opened, and I shrieked, immediately closing it. No matter what that was, I am not going back in there.

"Oopsie, sorry, I often get the machine room confused with the dissection room. Hee hee, sorry!" She apologized. Well, goddamnit, even I got a fright there. Shut up. No one asked you. She walked to the door a few feet away. I placed my hand on the door's handle when I looked back at Sophie.

"Are you absolutely sure that there won't be any intestines lying around in here?" She nodded.

"Absolutely sure!" I pushed the door a bit, relieved that it opened easily. No blood. Good. Very good. Instead, there were quite a few things here that piqued my interest a bit. Well, at first it looked a lot like two electric chairs hooked up to two closets with locks on them. Then, under further inspection it looked quite awesome. They were definitely once used as electric chairs, but the wires connecting the head-embracing part to the generator were severed, and instead connected to the closet and a machine on the ceiling. Pretty delicate business. But how do you bring back the dead like this?

"Hey, Sophie, did you ever find out how this works?" She swayed her head from side to side.

"Kinda. So, the corpse of the dead one gets placed in a closet, and that makes a connection to the soul of that particular person. The person whose soul gets traded is put in one of the chairs and so is the vessel. Then the machine is activated, generating a tone loud enough to be heard literally anywhere, but low enough not to be heard people. The soul feels its body calling to it, and partly a demon, comes back to the source of the tone, and takes the body of the vessel, since it is connected directly to the source of the tone. The soul that gets traded in is traded in, so that person dies. And the body is never found." Kinda?! For fuck's sake, kid!

"Nice explanation." I commented, as my hands went along the wires of the machine. 

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