Chapter 21

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"What?" I gasped. Why did I always surround myself with these people?

"You heard correctly. You know what I am capable of, so it wouldn't be smart to turn me down, Alice." He was right. It wouldn't. But there is one brutal murderer on each side of this battle.

"I still am turning the offer down. You killed your brother."

"He killed your mother!"

"He at least has someone he feels protective over!" James glared at me, unable to answer for a short amount of time, then threatened in the most menacing voice I'd ever heard.

"I will kill her. I will kill them all. I will kill every single person you still feel anything for, whether it is a friend, or a lover. I will kill each and every one of them right in front of your eyes, without you being able to stop it." His eyes showed only pure rage, intimidating rage. If I had heard this from anyone else, I would have brushed it off, but James? I know he would do it. I know he will stop at nothing at all to make his threat come true, even if it meant killing those closest to me. He turned and walked out. My hand went up to my head, which suddenly had started to hurt severely. Not just pain. Blinding pain. Blackout pain. Before I could get anywhere, I passed out in that room with a beam of moonlight being the last thing I saw.

"Hey! Al!" A voice woke me up, as I felt someone shaking me. I groaned, since the headache was still raging. I squinted to see who had woken me up. A person with bright brown eyes. Max. "Where were you last night?" He asked, a tiny bit irritated.

"Umm...." I massaged my temple with my thumb. "Here?" I answered with a hoarse voice.

"Well, you might want to get up. Cole has some news." I pushed myself up and groaned again. I do not recommend sleeping on a stone floor. I don't care if people bullshit about it being healthy for your back. It hurts. While me and Max were walking back to the main room, I couldn't help feeling curious. What kind of news? Does it have to do with me? It could, of course. I mean, why else would Max have been looking for me? "I can't tell you what Cole'll tell you, he wanted to do it himself. Sorry 'bout that." Ah. Damn it. I have to wait even longer.

"Does it at least involve me in any way?" I pressed.

"Can't tell ya. These lips are sealed." He smiled.

"Awe, come on!" I pouted. He laughed. After another minute or so of walking, we reached the room, where Cole was reading a newspaper with David.

"I found this newspaper in the morning while I was out. It says something you might want to check out." Cole handed me the newspaper.

Youths still missing!

After three days of searching there is still no sign of the two students who have been missing. Police suspect that this might be a serial kidnapping, and recommend caution to all citizens. Anyone who sees either of these people is to report this to the police station at once. Pictures of the victims are shown below.

And the pictures were given. I couldn't help but gasp. The pictures showed two people I knew only too well. Tara and Patrick. "What the hell happened?" I asked quietly, hardly being able to bring any words out. David scoffed.

"Well, all I know is that my idiot brother might have managed to get himself kidnapped."

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