Chapter 22

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It was James. I don't care if people say that's just an assumption. I know it was him. Three days ago? Yes. That's what it says in the article. They've been missing for three days. Yes, I know it seems like a guess, but it's the best fucking guess if I can say so. I mean, I don't know if the amount of criminality has skyrocketed since back then, but I don't think there are many horrible criminals in town. It's a smaller town, so I think that two major killers in town is definitely a record. James fits the bill. He knows my connection with Tara. He somehow found out about Patrick. For all I know, he always was there. I don't know. "So, what do you think about this?" David asked. My eyes shot up.

"A-about what?"

"About the kidnapping, genius." I fiddled with my thumbs.

"No idea. I have nothing."

"Hey, Alice! Have you seen that guy lately? You know, Jim Cullen or something." My fingernails dug into my flesh.

"Nope. Haven't seen him in a long time." I lied.

"Jim?" David raised an eyebrow.

"An old friend. He visited me while I was in the forest." I lied again.

"He doesn't know of the asylum?"

"Nope." He exhaled, in relief. He might be nervous about someone finding them. It should have happened until now, but no one has.

"So we'll just let it be?" I asked, meaning Tara and Patrick. He nodded. He didn't really seem to care about his brother. Nothing's happening. It's too dull here. Something should be happening. I don't care what. It's too quiet. How about a shooting? Ha ha, very funny. But something's wrong. I can't put my finger on it. I let my hand run over the window's panes. They were cool under my hand. It shot back when a voice startled me. Macy.

"Alice, have you seen Cole?" She nearly screamed at me hysterically. I shook my head frantically.

"What happened?!" I asked.

"He disappeared just now, and we can't find Sophie or Max, either!" Sophie and Max, eh? I wonder who'll be looking for them....I know! I know! Shut up, everyone knows.

"When? Isn't Cole always gone?" I asked.

"No! At least, not today....." She lowered her head.

"When did they disappear?" I asked again, trying not to get her upset again.

"Just now! I was talking to them and....Cole...." She stared at the floor, wide-eyed. And so the mystery man strikes back. I'll admit, it's quicker than I thought.

"They're going to die." I smiled. Whoop. Big help, Al.

"W-what? No, they're not. I know they're not! They'll come back, I...I'm sure...."

"No, they're not. You live in the world of murders, you should know that there is a smaller chance that anyone who disappears comes back!"

"You came back to your house!" No answer. Nothing came from me. I knew exactly what she was talking about. The scars on my face are all because of that incident. I shot Macy a cold glare and walked away from her. A minute later, while I was walking away, I regretted my actions. Five people connected to me disappeared in the last week. For all I know, Macy's next. I ran back to the place where we were before. Missing. I thought she'd gone back at first, when a slight trace of a smell rose up into my nose. An alcoholic and slightly sweet smell. Chloroform. And we all know what that means! Macy....I held my fingers up. Max. David. Cole. Macy. Patrick. Tara. Sophie. Seven people. I lowered the fingers that represented all of those who were gone. David was all that was left. I don't even know if he's still here. I inhaled deeply, and screamed out.

"DAAAAVIIIID!!!" I waited a few minutes, and inhaled deeply again, when I saw someone coming down the hall. It was David.

"Hey, what's the problem?" he rubbed his ear for effect, but I could see that there was a tiny bit of panic in his eyes. This is new from him. Well, emotions are weird from him.

"Haven't you realized that in the last twenty-four hours, four people have disappeared?" I yelled at him.

"I have noticed." All the humour disappeared from his voice.

"Do you know where they are?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be standing here, would I, Alice?"

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