Chapter 19 - Christmas Shopping

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''ALEXXXXISS YAMMOUNIII!!!!'' James screamed again and I quickly pushed Jai ou of the way and put my top on and ran downstairs, still not believing what just happened in Jai's room.  


After the trip in Europe and the interview . Few days till Christmas . 


---Alexis  P.O.V -------- 

Today I decided to go Christmas shopping. I really need to get some presents to those dorks.

I did my make up, and had my hair in a messy bun. It's really cold outside and it's snowing, so I thought I will wear - 

 - Blue jeans 

 - Worm and colourful sweater 

 - A scarf 

 - Long Boots 

Dani really wanted to come with me, so I had to take her , otherwise my mum wouldn't give me any Christmas presents. And I LOVE Presents. 

The worst part is, that all of my friends are on holidays..Can you believe them? Unbelievable ! Urghh. Oh well. 

Boys are in the studio recording stuff the whole day, so I'm free!!!! 

--------------In the shopping centre/supermarket-------------------------------

Now, Dani and I were walking around the shops and thinking what should we get them. It is not easy. Believe me. 

I Have nooo clue, what to get them. I'm that person, who gives the best presents..or the worst. 


They always say that they hate cold weather..

Also they mentioned that they're super tired, in these past few weeks...


..what if..... I would get them a plane cliche .. 

what about...Gran Canaria? 

It's always summer there, and I heard wonderful things about that island. 


We quickly went to this place and bought the tickets.

Also we bought some other stuff like sweets, beanies, snapbacks and etc. 

For my little sister I got some really cool games, like "Just Dance" and stuff. But also, I know she loves to draw, so I bought some equipment for drawing and shit. So yeah , She should be happy. 

For my parents, I  also bought a trip, but not to Gran Canaria...but to Egypt. 

Then I thought, I didn't really have anything to wear for Christmas and New Years. 

So now, Dani and I were walking through clothes and looking what to wear. Dani found this adorable sweater with little Christmas' elf's and very nice leggings with Santa Clause. 

Mean while I couldn't find anything. Literally .I got so pissed, but sent from the heaven, I saw this BEAUTIFUL Dress. It was dark green colour, which had some sparkly gold-ish stuff on the shoulders, it was pretty short, and the back was open. (picture on the side).

My jaw dropped because of how wonderful it looked. I had to try in on .NO kidding. 

''Woow that dress is so beautiful..''Dani said looking at it. ''I know'' I said and took the dress to try it on, but at the same time somebody wanted to take that dress from my hands, because it was the last one. 

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