It's All Over

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As Kasey began to Doze off the sun slowly crept up over the horizon. It's bright early beams zigzagging through the forest as if reaching out for her. 

Kasey slept for the whole day, she was exhausted from all the fighting. She slowly opened her eyes and moaned in pain as she began to sit up straight. Her body was still in agony. Her ribs were no longer aching but were just tender. She felt frail. Her legs were still broken but did not hurt as they once did. She had nothing to do but to sit and wait for her legs to heal. Soon after she woke she felt a snap within her torso and gasped a sigh of relief. Her Ribs had snapped back into place and were no longer tender. She smiled. 

It was around 4 pm that Kasey felt her legs beginning to snap in multiple places starting down at her ankles. Her left leg had snapped in 3 places while her right had snapped only twice. Kasey began to laugh. She was ecstatic. It was about 1 and a half hours till the sun would begin to set and Kasey was over joyed that her legs were back to normal. 

It was at this time Daimon returned from his realm. The only reason he went there was to heal his wounds. In his realm the healing process is increased by 60%. He knew the sun was still up but was to anxious to stay away. He paced the room while the sun slowly begin to lower over the horizon. Finally the sun was gone. It was around 6 pm when it finally said goodnight. 

Kasey notice the sun was set. She stood and walked over to the side of shack that faced the run down house. She found a large crack within its wall and watched. waited for Daimon to return. Within seconds she saw him. Her breathing increased and her face began to warm up. Seeing him made her  livid. Against her own wishes to charge at him and cause him harm she decided to stay put. 

Daimon slowly walked to where he left her. Nothing. Daimon looked pleased. He then walked the perimeter of the yard and towards the forest, just to make sure she was gone. Nothing. Unknowing to him the shack stood only 40 ft away, apparently blending in with the dead leaves among the ground and the dark trees. Within the shack Kasey giggled to her self. She was starting to go insane thinking of how she was going to end him. Daimon then began to walk back towards the front of the building. Once inside He began Chanting. 

Kasey saw Daimon walk around the house, assuming he went inside, she began to creep out of the shack. She knew he would be back. He seems to always come back after thinking she was dead. Kasey began to panic knowing he would return. How would she kill him? Could she even kill him? Kasey then reentered the shack and began to look around for anything that could help her. There she saw an old rusted axe laying under a run down work bench in the corner. She grabbed it and sat it outside of the shack by the door, she then continued to look around. On the opposite side of the shack she found a container and a box of metal pieces. The container read "Aqua Regia" Ingredients. "Hydrochloric and Nitric Acid" Kasey smiled and quietly stated "Acid."

Once Daimon was beside the portal he continued his chant. 

"Daimon Stop! She is not dead. what are you thinking returning to the castle if she isnt dead yet. Your father will kill you himself if you do not kill her this time..." Valeria exclaimed.

"What the hell do you mean shes not dead! She is nowhere to be found!" Daimon yelled starting to get pissed.

" There was a shack in the woods that you missed when you did your walk-through. Just end this tonight Daimon."

Daimon yelled and sprinted out back to where he left her. He stared into the woods and walked nearer. There, he saw it. The shack. He rushed over to it and tore the door off the hinges. He was surprised. Kasey was no where to be found. 

"What the hell!." Daimon shouted in confusion. It was at this moment Kasey threw the axe through the doorway with all her strength. It whipped through the air and struck Daimon's lower spine, causing his legs to go limp. He screamed in agony. Kasey then began to walk towards him. 

"Kasey! No... I- I- I Love you Kasey, im just doing what i have to! We can run away together my love!" He sounded panicked. 

"ha! No." Kasey responded as she grabbed him by his ankle and began to drag him out of the shack.

"YOU BITCH!" He shouted. 

Once outside of the shack and out of the forest Kasey yanked the axe out of his back. Daimon grunted still unable to move his legs. Kasey was constantly just barely out of reach. She took Daimon to the exact location where he left her to die. He then began to feel panic and worry rush over him, he then rolled over and tried to crawl away. Kasey laughed. Just where she wanted him. Kasey swung the axe and slashed Daimon's right wing off. He screeched. His screaming was continuous, he didn't stop. Kasey then swung and hacked off Daimon's left wing. He was crying. Tears were falling from his face and Kasey smiled peacefully knowing this would all be over. While he was screaming in pain Kasey rushed over to where she hid the container of acid. She returned as quickly as she left and opened the container. 

"wh-whats that!" Daimon screamed. Kasey just smiled as she began to slowly pour the acid over the wounds on his back. Daimon continued to yell in pure agony and misery. He knew his life was over. "Valeria.. help me.." He got no response. "shit.."

Kasey then began to pour the acid everywhere else on his body. Saving his face for last. His skin began bubbling and boiling up. Blood continued to run out of his back wounds as well as all over now. Lastly Kasey poured the last of the acid over his face. His skin slowly melting and becoming nothing. He was unrecognizable  His high pitched screaming began to slow and calm down. He lost lots of blood but he wasn't dead yet. Kasey knew he wasn't going anywhere so she sat down beside him and waited for sunrise. She planned on making sure he wasn't saved or somehow magically escaped so she sat and waited starring at the horizon in anticipation. She planned on ending her life as a vampire this same night. 

There it was.. The sun. It slowly rose over the tree line and reached them. Making sure Daimon was in the sunlight first she watched. His body caught on fire and began to turn to ash. She again was numb, just like before. She continued to sit and wait. She wasn't afraid. She was ready. Finally the time came. Kasey began screaming. It was painful at first but the fire began to burn her nerve endings and before she knew it everything went black...  


Kasey awoke to a bright white light.

"Hello my baby bat." 

Kasey gasped "mom.."

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