I kissed a what?!

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Kasey opened her eyes. She was only out of it for 5 minutes or so. When she awoke she looked around her slowly. The environment felt different. It was colder, much like a crisp December morning. The lights were all out, the only light Kasey had was from the luminous full moon directly above her. The forest surrounding her on the pathway seemed to be pushing out fog from their roots. Kasey could no longer tell what direction was home and what direction was farther into the trails. As Kasey began to awaken she slowly sat up, with her left hand on the back of her head. The pain was immense. Kasey heard what sounded like bones snapping and looked over to her right. She then remembered what had happened. At the thought of what previously developed she was wide awake and quickly forgot about her pain.

Kasey could see shadows illuminated by the white light of the moon. She saw Daimon faintly. He was placed upon one of the larger beings, who had to be at least 7 feet tall. As Kasey's eyes continued to focus more she realized that Daimon was violently thrashing about while the larger one tried to grab Daimon to throw him off.  There was a squishing sound and the larger one screamed of pain. Kasey could vaguely see what Daimon was doing. Daimon had ripped out the throat of the the larger creature throwing it into the woods. The being then slumped down and collapsed onto the ground. There was only one other large creature left. Daimon was fast. He raced around to the back side of the being and started slashing at the beings wings. Kasey could hear the sound of flesh ripping apart. The being then screamed a scream of pure agony as Daimon ripped it's left wing from the base of its back. Kasey could hear the blood beginning to pour out of the being and land in puddles on the trail. Kasey was frozen this whole time, unsure of what to do. Does she run? Does she stay? Does she hide? Kasey was worried that no matter what she did Daimon  would kill her as he killed these creatures. She continued to watch this altercation. Daimon then reached around the side of this being and slashed his stomach with what appeared to be a set of claws. The being then fell to it's knees holding it's torso in misery. As it lowered itself to the ground Daimon jumped on it's shoulders and placed both of his hands on each side of it's massive head. He then yanked his arms to one side causing a cracking sound that rippled through it's body. The body then thudded to the ground. Daimon stood up straight, facing Kasey with his wings spread fully outward. He started to slowly motion towards her. As he got closer Kasey realized his eye were still completely black. He looked terrifying and she wasn't sure what to do. She then realized he was covered in blood. More so in certain spots than others. He had blood sliding down his chin as if he had ate them. Kasey's sight began to go in and out. She could no longer focus on the horrifying being walking near her. She then blacked out again, hitting the ground once more with a thump.


When Kasey woke up she was laying in a bed. As she sat up she looked around she realized she was in her mothers bed. It was at this time Kasey's mom Charlotte walked in.

"Oh Kasey you're awake! I was so worried." 

"How did I get here?" Kasey was confused. 

"That boy Daimon brought you. He said you guys went for a walk and you tripped and hit your head on a rock!" Charlotte stated while placing herself on the bed next to Kasey. 

Kasey then reached up to the back of her head, she realized it had been bandaged. 

"No, don't touch it! I just replaced the bandages with fresh ones! Good thing your mom is a nurse or you'd be trapped at the hospital all day!" Charlotte smiled and let out a smile giggle.

"That's true." Kasey smiled in return. "Do you know where my phone is?" Kasey started to look around. 

"Yes i do. You'r stuff is in the living room. I will go grab it for you sweets." Charlotte then got up and walked out of the room. 

I didn't fall. Kasey thought. He changed his appearance and fought some nasty creatures. right? Kasey was confused.  A few seconds later her mother entered the room again handing Kasey her bag and jacket. 

"Hey mom, exactly how did i get here though?" 

"well. Daimon drove you here, carried you to the door and up to the bed." Charlotte responded. "He had on a very clean and neat outfit might i add, where did you guys go?"

"We went to Shop O's and then for a walk and wait, He carried me?!" Kasey was in shock. No one has ever tried to lift her, let alone succeeded. Kasey also remembered he was covered in blood, did he change? 

"Yes." Her mother laughed. "Now i need to go to the store fast for some more bandages and lunch for us. You'll be okay right?" Her mother asked her with concern in her tone. 

"Yeah, I should be." Kasey assured her mom. Even though after what had happened Kasey was scared to be alone.  Charlotte then left Kasey and left for the store. After she left Kasey looked at her phone. It was already noon. Kasey saw that Daimon had messaged her.


""I hope you're doing alright Kasey. I had a great time with you last night, minus the waitress and the small fight i had. What you saw was real. I'm not gonna lie and make up excuses and tell you it wasn't, but don't go around telling people. Cause i mean who would believe you? You kissed a Vampire! LMAO ""   5:45 am.

""A what?! ""   12:10 pm.


Kasey was in shock It was real. It was all real. Kasey had a crush on a Vampire.

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