A Time Of Madness

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"Daimon..." Kasey whispered her voice full of anger. Her eyes turning black again, this time under her control.

 "Kasey..." He responded. Marcellus noticed the tension and put Kasey feet first on the ground. 

Kasey immediately ran up to Daimon full of distraught and anger. Her nails began to grow into sharp claws. Her fangs showed as she screamed towards him. Kasey caught Daimon off guard and began to claw away at his cold flesh. He began bleeding as she scraped his face, both of his cheeks as well as his neck. By this time he knew what she was doing, he threw his arm back and then forced it into her side with full power. Kasey flew across room leaving an indent in the wall were she landed. Pretending to be hurt Kasey stayed on the ground. Daimon then turned to face Marcellus to begin a conversation. It was then that Kasey stood up and quietly ran towards Daimon. Her feet barely touching the ground due to her speed. She reached Daimon and pounced into the air landing on his back with her legs wrapped around his torso. Kasey then began to dig into his throat and chest. It took him a few seconds to get Kasey off of him. Daimon was then bleeding severely and was in tremendous pain. 

"Marcellus, return please." Valeria softly whispered to him. Marcellus then walked past the two outraged creatures while chanting. The wall soon ripped open and sewed itself shut. He was gone within minutes. 

Knowing that Daimon was pissed and that she had done enough damage for her content at the moment Kasey ran. She knew that Daimon was stronger than her and could do more damage and even kill her. Kasey ran out of the front door. Daimon closely after. It was now close to 6 am, the night sky was beginning to lighten up. The sun doesn't rise until 7:15 am in November up in Michigan. Kasey had an hour or so left to get away from Daimon and hide somewhere for the day. She was a new vampire, but she knew what happened to them if their out in the sun. Her speed was no match for Daimon though. He quickly caught up to her, by this time they were at the edge of a forest a few acres behind the abandoned mansion. He reached out for her and just barely grabbed her hair, yanking her back towards him. They both struggled and fought each other a good half an hour before Daimon realized the sun was rising soon. Slashes and blood everywhere as well as bruises all across each other. At this time Daimon still had the most damage done to him. He was tired of playing now. He then grabbed one of Kasey's legs while she was on the ground underneath him and snapped it in half. Kasey let out a shriek. 

"YOU BASTARD!" Kasey yelled. 

Daimon then Grabbed her other leg and snapped that one as well. The sound of her bones snapping echoed through the forest behind them. Vampires have a fast regeneration when it comes to injuries, but it still takes time to feel a hundred percent normal again. Daimon of course knew this. He then started to walk away, knowing that once the sun came up she would burn into nothing. 

"Minus the blood and bruising you look super pale Kasey. I think you could use a tan." Daimon then laughed and ran off into the house to hide till nightfall. 

Kasey was in a panic. She had two broken legs and probably a few broken ribs as well. She needed to find somewhere to hide. She wanted to die, just not yet. Not until she had killed Daimon. She had to kill him.. for her mom at least. She looked around in a frenzy, she was running out of time. She looked inside the woods and to her shock she saw what appeared to be an old, worn down wood shed. She slowly crawled her way into the forest towards the shack. The broken twigs and fallen branches scratched and cut her skin worse than what it already was. Finally she reached the shed. The sun was just beginning to shine over the horizon. She forced the old door open and crawled inside it, slamming the door behind her. Once inside Kasey let out a sigh of relief and began to doze off. 


Once Daimon was inside he began chanting. He was going to go back to the castle and receive help for his injuries. Once his chanting was finished he flew towards the castle, as fast as he could fly. He was weak, and tired. 

'Kasey sure put up a fight.' Daimon thought to himself. 'Glad she is finally going to die off.' Daimon smiled and then suddenly stopped due to the pain from the slashes on his cheeks. ' I'll return at nightfall just make sure this time.'


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