Nighttime Stroll

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Kasey freezes. She isn't sure how to approach this situation. She hasn't been on an actual date since her 10th grade year of high school. Let alone with a person as gorgeous as Daimon.

"You look fantastic!" Daimon exclaims smiling, grabbing her hands. Kasey looks at him and realizes his teeth are as white as fresh snow.

"Oh, really? Thank you." Kasey stated shyly as she started to look at the ground. It was at this moment she realized how chilled his hands were. "Are you cold?"

"Oh, not at all. I just had my windows down is all. I enjoy the crisp fall air."

Kasey thought this was strange. She enjoyed the cold but not enough to drive around with the windows down and the 50 degree wind chill biting at her hands. She didn't think to much of it though.

"Shall we go?" Daimon interrupted her thought. He started motioning towards his blood red 2012 Mitsubishi Eclipse.

"Oh yeah.. Right of course!" Kasey started to feel a little more comfortable around Daimon as they walked to his car. Of course she was still nervous but at least she was moving and breathing. Daimon walked her to the passenger side of his car and opened her door for her.

"Oh.. Thank You!" Kasey started to feel the heat rising in her pale now almost pink cheeks. "No one has ever done that for me before."

"Really?" Daimon replied with a giggle. "It's how i was raised."

As they were driving to the Diner Kasey kept continuously looking over at Daimon. Every time her gaze would creep over his face he would smile, forcing her to look out the window. The sun was nearly completely set. Everything was dark again. Once they arrived Daimon raced out of his car to make sure he could open the door for Kasey.

His outfit is cute. Kasey thought. Daimon was wearing light blue jeans which had a few tears in them, the same combat boots from the night before and a dark grey t-shirt with a leather jacket. Kasey's heart fluttered when he swung the door open and reached for her hand. Kasey calmly got out of the car, acting like she knew how to handle a simple date at a simple diner. He walked Kasey up to the front of the diner and held that door open for her as well. Whenever he did that Kasey felt her face begin to go crimson. They walked into the 50's styled diner and followed a beautiful petite waitress up to a booth that was small and only made to fit a couple.

"May i start you two love birds off with a drink?" The waitress asked sweetly. Her voice was soothing so Kasey didn't mind it that she called her and Daimon love birds.

"Sure. I will have a water." Daimon responded with a smile.

"And i will have a strawberry shake please." Kasey stated.

"Okay, I will bring those right out to you."

Kasey stared at the table. Sure she felt more comfortable but she was unsure how to go about talking to the most gorgeous man she has ever laid her eyes on.

"Hey Kasey, so about last night where did you go off too?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"I uh... I..." Kasey had to think of something. Something other than ' I left because I thought you were too hot.' She then thought of an idea. " I left because i felt sick. I went to go get a drink and while i was pouring myself one i got nauseous and went home. I'm sorry." Kasey said this as confidently as she could, hoping that he would believe her.

"Oh, dang! well i'm glad you're feeling better!"

Kasey was relieved when he said that.

"Here you two go!" Kasey jumped when the waitress returned with a glass of water and Strawberry shake. This wasn't the same waitress though. This one had a deeper voice and seemed almost annoyed. "Are you guys ready to order?" She asked.

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