Damsel In Distress

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Kasey was in shock. After she received the text message from Daimon she immediately screen shot the message and sent it to her friend Stephanie.  


""What is this about? lol""    12:15 pm.

""Exactly what it says! Steph I KISSED A VAMPIRE! I'm not joking! he had black eyes and wings and everything!""    12:15 pm.

""Kase... Vampires aren't real!"    12:16

""Why dont you believe me! You've known me all your life and I have never made something up like this!""   12:16 pm.

""You're right, but it's so out there Kasey... I mean it would be cool if they are actually real. wait... you don't think that's why those people went missing yesterday morning do you? We have like no crime here but all of a sudden there's people going missing and bodies turning up..""   12:17 pm.

Kasey thought for a moment. She remembered listening to something about missing people on the news while she got ready for her date with Daimon. 

""Could very well be the reason...""   12:17 pm. 

""What are you gonna do? Continue to talk to him?"" 12:18pm

"" I dont know.. maybe. Just maybe stay away until i figure out why he didn't kill me..""   12:18 pm.

"" Ok well keep me updated and stay safe ok?""   12:18 pm. 

""Will do Steph. <3""   12:19 pm.


Kasey laid back on the bed. She wasn't quite sure why he didn't kill her. Did he actually like her? He did kiss her after all. Little did she know she made a horrible mistake by telling Stephanie about Daimon. 

Daimon was currently resting in the abandon mansion on the outside of town, when suddenly his head began pounding. 

"Daimon.. wake up.." Someone spoke to him, except no one was around. "It's me, Valeria.." Valeria was the Vampire with sleek black hair and white eyes who saw everything. "I'm talking to you telepathically. Don't worry.

"Since when could we do this?!" Daimon was somewhat upset since he didn't know it was even possible. 

"Since always, I see your father never taught you?" 


"Anyways that's not why i am talking to you now. That girl you need to kill. She told a girl named Stephanie of what you did. They think you're the reason people have gone missing." 

"They're not wrong." Daimon smiled to himself.

"Your father wants you to kill Stephanie, as well as the girl since she knows what you are." 

"Dammit! " Daimon was now furious. 

"I wish you luck prince." That was the last thing Valeria stated before disappearing from Damion's mind. 

While Daimon was awake he decided to message Kasey. 


""I need to see you. Tonight at 8 pm. Meet me at the elementary school park.""    12:30 pm. 

""Okay...""   12:45  pm.


Kasey was surprised to get a response from Daimon. She was scared to go see him after what happened the night before, but her heart was eager for answers. 

7 pm arrived faster than both of them wanted it to. Now that it was dark Daimon was able to fly freely without fear of burning or being spotted by mortals. Before he could meet Kasey he had a job to do. He pulled out his cell phone and decided to do some research. In today's modern society it wouldn't take him long to find out where Stephanie lived. He realized she had recently posted on a website where she regularly posted, and of course it included her location. 

"Idiots... should really shut there locations off.." Daimon smirked as he rushed out of the old building. 

It took him no longer than 3 minutes to fly to Stephanie's locations. She was at her own place. Only one light was on in her house, He assumed it was her bedroom. Daimon decided he wanted to have a little fun, as he always does. He spotted a transformer hanging on a telephone pole right outside of her house and flew up beside it. He only assumed it was one that powered her house and a few others. Using all his strength he pulled his arm back and slammed his fist right into the center of the transformer.  He could hear a scream of shock and knew it was Stephanie, he looked over and realized her light went out. Daimon giggled as he flew to the window. 

*tap* *tap* *tap* 

He heard Stephanie scream, then busted her window open. His skin tore open in various spots and began to bleed. He felt no pain at all though. 

"oh Stephanie, my love. Come here." Daimon put on an act. 

He noticed Stephanie running out of the room and sped towards her. Stephanie was panicking, she fell down the stairs leading down to her first floor. She broke one of her legs as she fell. Her adrenaline was so high she paid no attention to it. She crawled around the side of the stairs and hid in a compartment underneath the stairs themselves. She could hear Damion's steps as he sprint down. 

"Oh, Stephanie... Kasey sent me.. come on out love." Daimon's voice was quite rough at this point. Daimon could smell her sweat and fear. He stood right outside the entrance to where Stephanie was hiding. He waited for a few seconds and hovered off the ground a few feet. Stephanie looked through the crack of the door. She believe he was gone and swung the door open with the front door in her view, she began crawling as fast as she could while tears streamed down her face. 

"Dumb bitch." Daimon whispered with a smirk on his face. "Hello deary!" He yelled, making sure she could hear him. Stephanie was now 3 feet from the front door, she began to scream violently. Her voice full of fear and agony. She could almost reach the door, just barely. She was so close to what she thought to be safety. Daimon let her just touch it before diving down on top of her.  He extended his claws and began to tear her apart, digging into her torso like a dog digging a hole. Her voice was piercing, and full of misery. He continued to rip her to pieces. By the time she stopped screaming her body looked like pulled pork. He knew what he did was unnecessary because he only wanted her head. Just so Kasey could see she messed up. Once he was done tearing her open he ripped her head off with his bare hands. He then held her head up beside his and looked her in her once light filled eyes. "Nice to see you sweets." He kissed her on the cheek and flew up the stairs and out the window he came in from. 


Kasey was just leaving her mothers by the time Daimon was done. It was 7:45 pm. Kasey started walking to the elementary school park, it was only a 5 minute walk from her moms. She arrived at the park at 7:50 pm. Daimon was already there. She could see his slender yet muscular figure in the distance. She was terrified. For some reason she felt more terrified than the night she saw him change. She continued to walk close to him, as he began walking towards her, Kasey noticed he had his hands behind his back, she thought maybe it was another rose. The only lighting she had to really see him with was from the orange tinted street lights a few feet away. 

"Hey Kasey." Daimon said quietly. His voice was still as smooth as velvet to her.

"Hi.. So why do you want me here?" Kasey was straight to the point, even with her heart in her throat.

"I have a gift for you." Daimon smiled and pulled Stephanie's head from behind his back, and giggled. "I told you not to tell anyone didn't I?" Daimon then stretched out his wings, dropped Stephanie's head and grabbed Kasey with both arms. Kasey screamed as loud as she could for as long as she could. After a few seconds Daimon punched her, hard enough to knock her out but not do anymore damage to her. 

"We're going to have a blast together baby!" Daimon said as he flew off into the night sky, back towards the old, beat up house on the edge of town. 

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