One of The Same

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Kasey awoke an hour later sitting in a chair, her hands were bound behind her with a coarse, prickly rope. Daimon entered the dark, dingy room. He looked at her and smiled as he walked his way over. Kasey started moving her hands back and forth, rubbing against the rope. 

"WANT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!" Kasey yelled while harshly shaking in the chair, trying to escape.

Daimon laughed. "I want you to die Kasey. I need to kill you." He walked around her, stroking Kasey's hair to one side of her head. 

"WHY! I thought you... YOU KISSED ME!" Kasey was crying now. 

"You knew me for a few hours!" Daimon was laughing hysterically now. "No one falls in love within a span of a few hours! Are you kidding me!" Daimon walked around to face Kasey, He bent down to make sure their eyes were level with each other. His black and dull eyes, level with her teary, Hazel and irritated eyes. "You were an easy target." He whispered. "An outcast, with one friend, you were a loser.." Daimon stood up continuing to lock eyes with Kasey. She was quite. 

"Are.. you gonna hurt anyone else after me?" Kasey asked softly.

"No. Not in this damn town at least, I'm gonna be a king once you're dead!" Excitement took over Daimon. He was now more eager than ever to kill Kasey. Although his answer made Kasey feel slightly better. She was now only numb. The numb feeling of depression, where you can sit and stare at the wall for hours and just not feel a single thing. She knew what he said was true. She agreed to the fact that she was  a loser, a nobody, she would never change the world and everyone would eventually forget her. She sat in silence waiting for the cold, sweet embrace of death.

Daimon walked behind Kasey swiftly. He stared at her neck. The side he had cleared of all hair. It was pale and soft. Daimon bent down and sniffed. She smelt of Lavender and fall leafs. He was entranced, she was the best scented victim he had made contact with. He snapped out of it and slowly bit her neck. His fangs went deep in to her Jugular vein. Kasey let out a shrill, echoing scream. Daimon continued to suck her blood. His plan was to only suck her dry until she had finally died, then leave her body here for someone to come across. He didn't want to waste anymore time in the mortal world than he had to. 5 minutes go by and Daimon could feel the life draining from her, she was almost dead. Kasey began to nod off, losing her vision. She was ready to go.


"Marcellus.. Interrupt him." Valeria whispered. "Once he kills her our entertainment of watching him ends."

"Strange request my lady." Marcellus responds. 

"Would you rather go back to the boring lives we once had. Standing in the same spot of hours on end. No requests made of us, nothing to do." Valeria questioned.

"No, I shall go." Marcellus then began to chant. 


"Daimon... She is dead."  Valeria sent a thought to Daimon. He felt the same, he no longer felt Kasey's heart beating. To make sure he wanted to continue drinking from her neck. At the same moment Marcellus entered the room. 

"Daimon, how are you! You do know she's dead right?" Marcellus said loudly. Surprising Daimon, making him lose his train of thought and lift up from Kasey, blood dripping from him mouth. 

"Ah, Marcellus. What are you doing here?" Daimon asked suspiciously.

"Well, she is dead, you're now wanted at the kingdom." He smiled. "My king." 

Daimon then began chanting. The wall ripped apart and Daimon began to step though. 

"Are you coming Marcellus?" Daimon asked. 

"Indeed I am. I Just need a light snack first." Marcellus grinned and walked away from the portal and through the door of the old house. As Daimon flew through and the wall again sewed itself up. 

Once Marcellus was sure Daimon was gone, he reentered the house. He then walked over to Kasey and bent down to her. She let out a raspy breath. Marcellus smiled and backed away knowing what she will become. When a vampire does not kill there prey immediately after drinking or while drinking, they will change. 

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