To Be King

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After Daimon took Kasey home he himself returned home. This is when his true form came about again. No, he didn't fully transform into a bat like other types of vampires. His kind had flesh like wings that matched his skin, only difference is you could see bulbous veins underneath. It was a quit disturbing site. He parked his car in the drive of an abandoned mansion of sorts on the edge of town. Before entering the mansion he reached into the trunk of his car and grabbed gallons of blood he had collected early that morning. Slowly he strolled into the mansion, fretting about what he would tell his father. This mansion is not were they live. For it would not hold their whole kingdom. As Daimon entered the house he began a chant, a chant in Latin that only those who are immortal knew. His eyes went black as they had before and his wings then erupted from his back. He then used his hands and drew strange symbols on the wall. representing his kind and the world he came from. He continued to chant while blood rushed down his arms as he drew fiercely. His chanting getting louder and louder until finally it was complete. Daimon stood back from the symbol as it began to split the wall in two, recognizing itself as a portal. Wind started dancing around him as the dark red portal had fully opened itself. Daimon, filled with dread, finally stepped through with the wall sewing itself shut behind him. He took a deep breath and flew towards castle standing miles before him. It was a ginormous castle. In the distance it looked stark black against the dark red sky that Daimon grew up knowing. As he flew closer to the castle he could start seeing fellow vampires flying all about, below him they were murdering those they had brought with to their realm for fun. It was the only thing they could do for fun. Within minutes Daimon reached the front of the 160 storied castle. He didn't have to bribe the guards to get in, they knew exactly who this trouble maker was. Once through the entrance he saw the throne, and upon it was his father. King Alaric. He slowly made his way to the foot of his fathers seat.

"Why?" His father asked in a bellowing tone. "You killed 10 of my best men. They were sent to bring you home."

"I was busy doing other things, i wasn't ready to come home." Daimon responded rudely.

"Busy doing what? Playing with your food?!" King Alaric let out a giggle. "Did you forget we see everything?" His father gestured towards a female standing next to his overly large seat. She was slim and dark. Her hair was long and black, and as for her eyes. Her eyes were a ghostly, lifeless white. She was blind but yet could see all she wanted to. Of whoever she wanted to see. "You cannot do this! Daimon you're my only son, the only rightful ruler to rule beside me, and if something happens, to rule after me!"

"I know father. The only reason I killed them was because i had a plan. A now ruined plan, but a plan none the less. " Daimon was aggravated now. "My plan was to get her to fall for me making it easier to take control and kill her as you have asked me. Humans live off of emotions as we do not. And these mortal women are super easy to trick and manipulate. You have asked me to kill 1,000 humans in order to be a rightful ruler, and she is the last one i need. Why not have a little fun?"

"Well now what is your plan? Now that she has seen you in your true form."

"Father, I know that she will continue to talk to me as if i have not changed. She will enjoy the fact of what i am." Daimon smiled with this. His fangs showing for all to see.

"What if she spreads word about what you are." King Alaric asked with concern.

"I shall kill her sooner."

"Sooner? How long do you plan on waiting to kill her!! She needs to be dead! I will give you 2 mortal weeks to continue playing this little game and if she is not dead by then... you will not be granted king alongside me and will be banished to the mortal world forever! Do you understand me!" The king was now shouting, frightening everyone around him.

"Yes father." Daimon grunted between his teeth, and furiously jumped into the air spreading his wings with gusts of air and flew towards a giant stained glass window above his fathers throne. He ripped through the window shattering it to tiny microscopic pieces that flew everywhere. While flying he angrily began chanting the same chant as before, but backwards. To get to the mortal world he did not need to draw any markings or symbols. He flew back to where he arrived, in this world it was at a clearing on top of a large hill, surrounded by burnt down, ashy trees, not an abandon mansion. Daimon landed in the fog filled circle like area and chanted louder. Finally it was complete. Daimon shut his eyes only to open them and be back in the mortal world, within that dingy old house.

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