More Genderbend!!!

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Iva: Welcome back to Gravity Falls Q&A!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A series where you guys give us questions, challenges, and comments which we have to answer and/or do!!!!! So first we have Loki12346:

"Ok here is the question can bill be a girl I want to see that"

Mabel: Isn't that more of a dare than a question?

Iva: *shrugs* Bill, be female!!!

Bill: What?!? No way!!!

Lau: You have to though, it's a dare!!!

Bill: But I-!!!

Iva: *snaps her fingers*

Iva: *snaps her fingers*

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Iva: Hehehhhehehehehe

Bill (female): AHHH!!!!!!


Bill (female): Why must you always torture me?!?!?

Iva: Cuz it's fun~! Oh, and...

Iva: I had to draw Dippette as well

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Iva: I had to draw Dippette as well

Dipper: Wha- HEY!!!

Iva: *laughs* Anyways, we also have Marvel-Nerds:

"I Have A Question For Mabel and Dipper
1. Mabel How Do You Get your Ideas For Sweaters?"

Mabel: Whenever I see something that inspires me, I make it into a sweater!!!

Lau: So you make everything into a sweater.

Mabel: YEP!!!

"2. Dippette(Perfect Name Sage 👌👌👌)"

Dipper: Ah, c'mon!!!

Everyone except Dipper: *laugh*

"If You Could Have Anything In The World What Would It Be?"

Dipper: Anything, huh? Well, I would really like to have my own study studio with books and experiments and-!!!

Iva: Shut up, nerd.

Dipper: ...

Iva: Don't worry, I'm best friends with a nerd.

Mabel: You mean Lau?

Iva: No, Lau's the tomboy.

Lau: 😑😑😑

Iva: Anyways, thank you for reading!!! If you wish for more, make sure to leave a comment, question, and/or challenge!!! And remember: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEEEEE!!!


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