Ooh, how fabulous~!!!

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Iva: Welcome back to Gravity Falls Q&A!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A series where you guys give us questions, challenges, and comments which we have to answer and/or do!!!!! First we have SwiftyangX12:

"What's up everyone? I got another dare and this is for Mabel to apply makeup on Dipper.

Oh forgot, how are you Bill from last time when you turned into a famous K-pop star?"

Bill: Not. Good. I still get nightmares.

Dipper: WHAT?!?


Iva: Ooh, I wanna see this!!!

Dipper: No, please don't do this!!!!

Mabel: Sorry, it's a dare!!!!!!

Grenda: Can't go back!!!!

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *take out many makeup supplies*

Dipper: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Mabel: DONE!!!

Iva and Bill: *start laughing uncontrollably*

Bill: OH- OH MY GOD, THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! *continues laughing*

Iva: *takes a picture of Dipper* THIS SO HAS TO GO ON INSTAGRAM!!!!!

Dipper: HEY NO!!!!!!

Iva: POSTED!!!

Will: M-miss Iva, th-that wasn't very n-n-nice...

Iva: Meh, but it sure it's fun!!!!!!

Dipper: I hate you.

Iva: That ain't what you told me a few days ago~!

Dipper: *blushes*

Bill: *laughs even harder* I- I CANT STOP!!! *wipes tears away* Oh my god.

Iva: *sigh* Next! JillMCSM?

Jill: *is deep in thought* mmmm *gasps then snaps fingers* aha! *searches through her hair and pulls a potion* Bill, I have a potion that makes you go back to normal for a few minutes.

Bill: REALLY?!?


Jill: I have my ways. But before you get it you need to play crash bandicoot with *wink* me *puts potion back in hair, then thinks* I'm acting like pinkie pie!

Iva: Wow, that game was so frustrating for me. I totally sucked at it.

Bill: If it means I get to be my normal self for a while then bring it on!!!

Iva: *snaps her fingers making a PS4 appear with the game inside* Go, play!!!

~some time later~

Bill: *grooooooooooaaaaaaaaaan*

Jill: Wow, you're just awful at this!

Bill: It's my first time playing!!! And I'm done. Can I have the potion now?

Jill: A deal's a deal. *takes out the potion from her hair and gives it to Bill*

Bill: *drinks the potion and turns into his normal dorido self* YES!!! IM FINALLY BACK!!!

Iva: Dammit.

Jill: Don't worry, it's temporary.

Iva: Ok, and finally Happy_cat24:

"I have a Dare *Throws Copy Of Undertale At Bill*
I want Bill,Dipper,Mabel to Play it"

Mabel: Yay, I get to play something!!!!

Bill: Ugh, another came?!?!?!?

Dipper: Hey, just be glad you didn't have a makeup kit blasted on your face.

Bill: Touché.

Iva: Can I stay and watch?!?!?!? I absolutely LOVE Undertale!!!

Mabel: You can show is how to play!!!!! Like a tutorial!!!!

Iva: I mean I think Toriel's got it, but ok!!!

~some time later~

Dipper: What should I do?!?

Bill: Kill it, it attacked you first!!!

Mabel: No!!!!! Have mercy!!!!!

Bill: What?!?!? Why would he do that?!?!?!?

Mabel: Because he's nice!!!!!! I don't want to kill the frog!!!!!!

Iva: Oh boy. Well, that's it for today. Thank you for reading!!! If you wish for more, make sure to leave a comment, question, and/or challenge!!! And remember: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEEEEE!!!

Bill: *turns human* Wait, no no no-!!!!!!!!!!


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